November 2015 Moms

Braxton Hicks? Or something else?!

I am 26 preggo with mono-di twins. And I'm not sure what I am feeling. This is my third pregnancy and I have no medical issues and I am healthy as can be. No history of heart problems or anxiety, etc.

It feels like a nervous-like, heart palpatating, lightheaded feeling. At first it only happened when I laid on my right side, but now it's whenever my stomach gets pain I'm assuming that's Braxton Hicks, right? Ok...but what is the weird feeling following it?

I don't see my high risk until Friday...but I'm starting to worry bc that feeling is happening more frequently!! Today...4 times. Is it just Braxton Hicks and Am I worrying too much? Or is there cause for concern?

Re: Braxton Hicks? Or something else?!

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    I don't think BH would be described as a "heart palpatating, lightheaded feeling."  BH is literally just the muscles in your abdomen tightening as practice for actual labor.  What you're describing sounds like maybe a dip in blood pressure or blood sugar...
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    As PP Said you normally don't get light headed with Braxton Hicks. It also doesn't effect your heart. They also don't usually hurt just your stomach gets ultra tight and uncomfortable. I didn't have them with DD1 and had very few with DD2.
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    I'd call your doctor. It sounds a blood pressure/sugar thing like @urby87 said but I dunno. Are you drinking enough water and eating well?
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    Lying on your right side can compress the abdominal aorta which can lead to a drop in blood pressure and feelings you're describing. Lay on your left side instead and you should be fine.
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