May 2015 Moms

How long can you keep used breast milk?

So I know you can only keep formula for 1 hour after baby has touched the nipple but does the same amount of time apply for if its pumped breast milk?

My LO sometimes doesn't finish all of my pumped milk so I'm wondering how long I can keep it out/refrigerated after she has touched the nipple.

Re: How long can you keep used breast milk?

  • You will find different answers if you research. Personally I let it stay at room temp for 4 hours after, and babe was always fine.
  • My LC said until the next feeding. Ive even done that at night when the stretch is easily 4-5 hours (that is always with freshly pumped/never refrigerated). Some will say to put it back in the fridge, following a two best ups rule.

    You definitely do not need to dump it after an hour like formula.

    If it smells fine it is good.
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  • Oh great, thank you!
  • I read that bacteria from baby's mouth becomes harmful after an hour, so that's how long i keep it, but like pp said different people and organisations say different things i wish there was a clear guidline!
  • I usually put it back in the fridge as soon as I can and if I haven't used it in 24 hrs I dump it. Or if it has been reheated more than twice she usually doesn't want it anyway so it gets tossed
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