January 2016 Moms

Hair loss more in 2nd trimester

Didn't see this thread in Jan forum , so starting a thread. I seemed to be losing lot of hair recently . Is anyone experiencing this? I heard one loses after baby is delivered 
My next appointment with Doctor is in 2 weeks , planning to ask then. 

Re: Hair loss more in 2nd trimester

  • YES! My hair is coming out in clumps. I did not experience this with my first so unsure why now. I also googled this and said it was common after the baby is born. Lucky for me I have VERY thick and a LOT of hair!
  • Me too! I know we won't go bald, but I clog up the shower drain every morning!
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  • I'm losing so much! Every brush stroke, wash, touch-it's everywhere. My dr said its normal but I didn't have with my first, like PP.
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  • Same here, what happened to getting thicker hair?
  • I'm losing a ton too. Only had more hair loss postpartum with my son and this one is a girl, so I'm attributing it to her "stealing my beauty". ;)
  • Yikes! Mine gets thicker during pregnancy and then started falling out in clumps about 6 months PP. If I wasn't afraid of putting my face on here I'd show you what my hair looks like now with the re-growth. Let's just say the 90s called and want their wispy bangs back. It's pretty bad!
    I'd ask your dr about hair loss during pregnancy but I'm sure it's normal. Pregnancy is weird.
  • I think a little bit more of mine is falling out now, but it's not bad. About 4 months post partum is when I really started going bald. It was soooo bad, especially around my forehead. Luckily around 7-8 months it started to grow back but then I had to deal with the little scraggly hairs as it grew in around my face. Ugh, it was bad. I hope that doesn't happen again
  • Mine is too! I'm used to a little bit falling out here and there because my hair is so thick anyway, but it's like recently it's been worse. I'm gonna ask the MW about it next appointment, but I'm sure it's nothing. 
    Love: 03.04.06
    Married: 07.14.14
    BFP: 04.05.15
    EDD: 01.08.15
  • Do you think it's possible you have or have developed an iron deficiency? Or zinc, or b12? Your body is requiring extra nutrients to grow the baby, and will divert those nutrients from less important a functions if they are needed else where, growing hair is the least important function that requires these nutrients.
  • NSPPNSPP member
    Thanks ladies . Its good to know that its ok . Yes i do have iron deficiency and was detected even pre -pregnancy. 
    I am taking one prenatal and one Iron -65mg tablet. Maybe iron is still not enough for my body . Will ask my doctor and post later.  
  • Mine is doing the same. Today I also had someone do my roots and they hardly took :-S I'm a hair stylist and I'm in shock! I'm so sad! I'm chalking it up to hormones...
  • I feel like im shedding more than my dog... my appointment is next week. 
  • I'm a hairdresser too, and pregnancy has made me iron deficient, I now take an iron tablet on top of my prenatal. I'm also losing hair. It sucks!
  • It's so bad. I have a patch just behind my ear :(
  • Supposedly protein intake is a factor also. =)
  • I grew up with very thick hair, and I started getting thin hair about 8 years ago. I'm 35. I thought for sure, pregnancy would make my hair thick and awesome again. Nope! It's still falling out :( All my blood work came up normal, I don't know the deal. I'm also cold all the time, so I'll ask the dr these specific questions at my next appt and post her response here.
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