November 2015 Moms

Water breaking at work

Any working mama's out there worried their water will break at work? I was lucky with my first I was at home but I have a feeling it might happen this time. Haha what a funny story that will be :)

Re: Water breaking at work

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    RVAMomma said:
    Any working mama's out there worried their water will break at work? I was lucky with my first I was at home but I have a feeling it might happen this time. Haha what a funny story that will be :)
    Terrified about this. I work about an hour from my hospital too so I am really nervous to go into labor at work. 
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    If it makes you feel better water only breaks about 20% of the time. Hopefully it won't happen to you this time!

    Thank you for the percentage! I wanted to comment and say that the chances were low, but couldn't remember how low!

    OP: even if your water does break again, you may get lucky and just have a little trickle instead of a gush. :)

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    My water broke at home last time. It was insane. I started packing an extra set of clothes with me around 36 weeks(when I packed my hospital bag) and will do it again this time.
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    CarrieOct15CarrieOct15 member
    edited August 2015
    Lol, I'm afraid of this, too. Also afraid that my coworkers will try calling an ambulance, because I guess they do that sometimes. Can we say embarrassing?? X_X I'm working from home the week leading up to my due date, but we'll see!

    Edited because words are hard.
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    I definitely wouldn't' mind this happening! I work for the hospital i'll be delivering at even though my building is like 10 minutes from the hospital. If it breaks when we are at home we have a good 45-1 hour to get to the hospital. i have several people appointed to drive me to the hospital should this happen at work!! :) 
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    My water broke hours before I went into labor last time.  I had a trickle instead of a gush though. 
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    I'm constantly on my feet at work so I'm terrified this will happen I'll feel so bad I'll end up being the crazy lady mopping it up herself lol
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    Thefithuntress - that's my hope too. New chair, new carpet. That's a win in my books. I work close to the hospital so that's in my favour too. The only problem is I'm on an industrial site so the medical centre on site will probably need to be involved, safety and the emergency response team. Then I'd have the requirement of an ambulance and we'd probably have to set off the level one alarms. Level one alarms means the emergency team is busy and high risk work has to stop. I'm taking off from work a week or so early. The new carpet isn't worth the hassle.
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    My water never broke on its own with my first and didn't break until 5 minutes before my second was born (after about 4 hours in active labor). I am always worried mine will break in church or something but I know for me personally, it probably won't. Or at least that's what I tell myself so I feel better lol

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    Mine did. But it was trickle, I thought I peed myself. I was able to drive home, which at the time was only 5 min away, thinking I would change my clothes. It was apparent as soon as I thought I had to pee again, that it was not pee...
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    A few years ago at my job, this lady's water broke and it has been a well shared story till this day. Rumor has it, we still have the desk chair it happened on... They all look the same. I hope I don't leave any stories to contribute lol
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    I water broke in the middle of the night for my first. I changed my pants and put on a heavy pad then went to the hospital. I didn't gush, just a trickle. I had a friend wow kept an extra set of clothes, towel and pad with her at all times in case it happened when not at home.
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    Mine happened at home in the middle of the night! Thankfully I had this funny feeling and leaped out of bed then a huge gush! My DH was like "did you just pee"!! Lol I was like nope I think that was my water!!! And then not even 2 min later the contractions started!
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    This is definitely a fear of mine. I teach high school and I feel like my poor students would be scarred for life! I read that only about 15% of women have their water break on its own, and many of my friends and family have been lucky enough for theirs to happen at home and/or overnight, but still. One of my colleagues said that (about 30 yrs ago) her doctor told her to put a jar of pickles on the edge of her desk and knock it over if her water broke in class. I guess doctors don't realize that teachers are often all over the room, but I still thought it was a funny suggestion. I feel like those kids would be totally mortified!
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    I'm worried about this too! I'm a psychologist and I think it would be just about the most embarrassing thing ever if my water broke during a session with a patient.
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    RaisingJulianRaisingJulian member
    edited August 2015
    My water broke with my first. I was always worried about it breaking in public or while I was sleeping in bed so I just always wore Always Overnight Pads and when my water did break it didn't get on anything! I was lucky enough to be at home but I plan on doing it again this time in case I am at work because I work in a childcare and wouldn't want to explain to the kids why I basically just peed myself lol
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    This was my worry with my first 3! I had the gush of water with my first that woke me up in bed. At about 36 weeks I put a blanket folded up under my sheet just in case! Thank goodness!! My second they had to break it and baby slid out about 10 min later and with my last it broke when I was in full labor and baby came shortly after. I hope mine doesn't break in public! Or anywhere else other than my birthing center or baby will be born in a car or shopping isle :)
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    With my first I had contractions for hours before my water broke and when it did break it was just a trickle. The nurses in labor class said labor usually starts overnight or first thing in the morning. No guarantee it will not break at work, but I would not bet on it.

    Also, a reminder to everyone to have a waterproof mattress cover on you bed :)
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    *Adds mattress cover to shopping list...*
    Its another thing I'm freaking out about, but it's more a fear of the unknown rather than being embarrassed about leaking in public. This is my second kiddo, but #1 was induced 12 days late and my water didn't break until labour was well and truly under way.
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    kmkrushi said:

    SJFTCA said:

    This is definitely a fear of mine. I teach high school and I feel like my poor students would be scarred for life! I read that only about 15% of women have their water break on its own, and many of my friends and family have been lucky enough for theirs to happen at home and/or overnight, but still. One of my colleagues said that (about 30 yrs ago) her doctor told her to put a jar of pickles on the edge of her desk and knock it over if her water broke in class. I guess doctors don't realize that teachers are often all over the room, but I still thought it was a funny suggestion. I feel like those kids would be totally mortified!

    Hahaha! What do you teach? You can totally turn it into a biology lesson or even sex ed/family planning. If it happens you'll probably have less teen pregnancies next year.
    I teach English, so those options wouldn't work, but you're right--with high schoolers, it could totally be a cautionary tale. I guarantee I'll have someone pregnant along with me at the start of the year or at least someone who gets pregnant during the year. Those tiny little things don't show til they're like six months, so usually they end up spilling the beans to me before I even notice. There are always some I'm totally surprised and/or disappointed about more than others. But I tell people, for many of the girls who decide they are really going to take on being a mother AND continuing their education, they really buckle down more than ever before. However, I would never suggest having a baby as a teenager as a means of motivation, but it's amazing how some of them really work hard to right their wrongs. I just tell them all that they WILL get pregnant the first time they have unprotected sex, haha. Sex makes babies is my motto, and this year, I'll be living proof.

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    Mine broke on its own a few hours in labor. I was already at the hospital.
    I was sitting in a chair and lifted my leg to prop it on the bed and heard a pop and a huge gush came out. I was in yoga pants and they were soaked. Just then my breakfast arrived and I took one look at it and thew up! The poor guy delivering the food. I was gushing water and throwing up at the same time.
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    I work by myself so thankfully I dont worry much about that. I have worried a few times about something going wrong and being here by myself though
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    I work alone, so I think it would just be more of a hassle trying to find someone to come help clean up after that LOL

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    I am scared of it breaking at the gym. Mine broke spontaneously with our son at 4 am. I woke up because I felt funny and was able to make it to the bathroom in time. DH bought "puppy pads" last time at 36 weeks to put in our cars. He figured they were cheaper than getting the car detailed.
    Baby Boy born on 1/14/13
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    SJFTCA said:

    kmkrushi said:

    SJFTCA said:

    This is definitely a fear of mine. I teach high school and I feel like my poor students would be scarred for life! I read that only about 15% of women have their water break on its own, and many of my friends and family have been lucky enough for theirs to happen at home and/or overnight, but still. One of my colleagues said that (about 30 yrs ago) her doctor told her to put a jar of pickles on the edge of her desk and knock it over if her water broke in class. I guess doctors don't realize that teachers are often all over the room, but I still thought it was a funny suggestion. I feel like those kids would be totally mortified!

    Hahaha! What do you teach? You can totally turn it into a biology lesson or even sex ed/family planning. If it happens you'll probably have less teen pregnancies next year.
    I teach English, so those options wouldn't work, but you're right--with high schoolers, it could totally be a cautionary tale. I guarantee I'll have someone pregnant along with me at the start of the year or at least someone who gets pregnant during the year. Those tiny little things don't show til they're like six months, so usually they end up spilling the beans to me before I even notice. There are always some I'm totally surprised and/or disappointed about more than others. But I tell people, for many of the girls who decide they are really going to take on being a mother AND continuing their education, they really buckle down more than ever before. However, I would never suggest having a baby as a teenager as a means of motivation, but it's amazing how some of them really work hard to right their wrongs. I just tell them all that they WILL get pregnant the first time they have unprotected sex, haha. Sex makes babies is my motto, and this year, I'll be living proof.

    It's so true! My SIL got pregnant her freshman year of college, either her 1st or 2nd time having sex. She now has a 3 year old daughter and just graduated from Mississippi State and she going to chiropractic school in September. It's amazing how she pushed herself and is going to make it! It may have been easier without a baby, but she's proof that it's not the end for everyone.
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    lulamagoo said:

    I am scared of it breaking at the gym. Mine broke spontaneously with our son at 4 am. I woke up because I felt funny and was able to make it to the bathroom in time. DH bought "puppy pads" last time at 36 weeks to put in our cars. He figured they were cheaper than getting the car detailed.

    Ooh, good idea! I have a pack of puppy pads from when we helped with a puppy rescue transport earlier this year. I will definitely put some under my bedsheets and in my car when it gets close.
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    I wouldn't mind if my water broke at work. I work in a medical office so mostly females anyway and there is a clean up crew at the hospital at all times. It is also connected to the hospital I will be delivering at. I just hope it won't be me peeing myself because that is completely different!
    Also at one of my birthing classes they told me to pick up a jar of pickles when you go grocery shopping and drop them if your water breaks. Lol I never did but thought about it.
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    Hoping that doesn't happen to me. I'm a high school teacher, so that could be really interesting!
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    I work for a program with the mentally disabled ... they are likely going to think I wet myself if it happens at work, lmao.  On the bright side, my boss is an RN, so at least I don't have to worry about him freaking out. :D  Also, my office chair sucks.  Reading about the carpet from a PP, I think my new plan is to spend as much time in my chair as possible so that hopfully I leak all over it and finally get the office chair I deserve, lmao.  They have much nicer ones in the newer offices!
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    Mamma: Kitta 25, Activity Coordinator and Nurse at a school for mentally disabled adults 
    Dad: Toby, 36, army veteran and woodworker
    First time pregnant and so excited! 

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    I'm not so worried about my water breaking as I am that I'll go into labor during rush hour. I live in the city and my hospital is 30 minutes away but the highway to get there gets pretty backed up during rush hour :-SS
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    I'm more worried about my water breaking in my bed and it ruining my mattress. I loveeee my mattress and the only other one we have is my boyfriends and it is just way too soft for my liking. I've considered sneaking my brother over to help me switch them while bf is at work and pretending nothing happened for the last month. Or just buying some type of waterproof pad to lay down under the sheets.
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    tayzav said:
    I'm more worried about my water breaking in my bed and it ruining my mattress. I loveeee my mattress and the only other one we have is my boyfriends and it is just way too soft for my liking. I've considered sneaking my brother over to help me switch them while bf is at work and pretending nothing happened for the last month. Or just buying some type of waterproof pad to lay down under the sheets.
    Waterproof mattress covers are pretty easy to find.  I keep one on all the beds at the house.  It just keeps the mattress more sanitary for a longer amount of time. 
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    @TacoSarah I would camp out in the recliner section and say you are testing them out! Might as well be comfy when you get your voucher! ;)

    I also work with mostly men, engineering as well, but the guy that sits next to me just had a little girl over the weekend. We have been swapping stories between his wife's experiences and mine so I'd be pretty ok having to tell him he's gotta drive me to the hospital STAT if my water broke at work! Really hoping I'm not one of the small percent that it happens to though!
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    Elyse1384Elyse1384 member
    edited August 2015
    Just want to throw it out there that the odds of your water breaking at work (or anywhere) before you go into labor are low.  My aunt is a L&D nurse and said more often than not, they need to break someone's water OR the water breaks after labor begins.  Yes, it could happen before, but it isn't that common.  She also said that even women who do have their water break before labor starts are not necessarily going to have a gush of water come out.  Many times it is a constant trickle (like you're slowing peeing yourself or leaking).  Just wanted to mention this to help ease any fears here.  With DS, they had to break my water once I was in labor. 

    Edit:  Spelling
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