DD is 12 weeks, so not quite a true 3 months, but she's been waking up more at night. She used to wake up just once around 4:00, but the last few nights it's been 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, and pretty much up for the day after that 5:30 feeding even though she had been sleeping until 6:45.
I remember that it lasted for a week with my first, so hopefully I just have to power through a few more days. If this is not the 3 month growth spurt, then I'm going to be REALLY tired when it actually comes!
Re: Anyone going through the 3 month growth spurt yet?
9:30-12 ish, then eating and sleeping until 6 at least ( once 7). Last night she was a very noisy sleepers from 2:30 -4 then was up to eat. She's been more alert during the day the last few weeks. I start back to work tomorrow and was really hoping it would go back to normal tonight! We are struggling to transition from the rock n play to bassinet or crib too. Anyone have any suggestions for that? She's small for her age but still getting too big for rock n play.