May 2015 Moms

latch question?

hi BFing moms.  how strong are your babies' latches?  
I remember with DS1 when I couldn't pull him off unless i put my finger in to break the seal, otherwise he would rip my nipple off!   but with DS2 I can pull him off easily.  what are you experiencing?  Am I getting ahead of myself?

Re: latch question?

  • It really depends on the day for my LO. Sometimes I can just move slightly and he will fall right off. This is usually when he's finishing or is really sleepy. Most days if I move he will suck harder to keep that latch strong.

    I very rarely put my finger in to try to take him off. DS is a 5 minute nurser so I let him stay on until he comes off himself or falls asleep.

    Sorry. I'm not much help!
  • I was just thinking the same thing today! I could have wrote this post! I know for a fact this LO doesn't have as strong of a latch because she makes sucking noises when nursing. However my midwife and google searches both tell me that as long as my nipples don't hurt (which they don't) and a long as she is gaining weight (which is not an issues AT ALL!) then it's ok and that's just how some babies are!

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