TTC after 35

Maya Abdominal Massage & V Steam Experience

Goldsgirl9Goldsgirl9 member
edited August 2015 in TTC after 35
yes V steam but we will get to that!

So don't ask me how I came across the Maya Abdominal massage but I was highly intrigued after reading about the benefits and decided to give it a try despite the $150 price tag. I should add my husband and mother called me a sucker for deciding to try this but I figured why not? I had two hours to kill and would happy to release any blocked chi. According to Chinese medicine all fear, anger, jealousy, anxiety, etc is kept in the gut, I didn't know this!

So I will say the licensed therapist was amazing. The whole center was very holistic (water births, mama baby yoga, breathing for fertility courses, etc) and I immediately felt at ease despite having to fill out an 8 page questionnaire.

The massage was from my pubic bone up to about my ribs. It was deep but not painful and more interesting than anything else. I did feel something "release" although I don't know what or where exactly it was. It was more towards my back and it felt good actually. The therapist told me my c section scar tissue was worse on the right side, and i told her that's the side I have painful ovulation on. After she was done working on my uterus I flipped over and she worked on my lower back and tail bone.

The tailbone and upper glutes was probably the most painful for me. I say that because I just started working out about a month ago and everything hurts right now! But, she said my tailbone was actually turned in or something and that was all connected to my pelvis and uterus etc. She worked a little on my shoulders and back as well which was great.

After the massage she asked me if I wanted to try a vaginal steam. I figured why not? She explained to me how it's basically like acupuncture for your "taint" without the needles or the burning cigar looking thing. So I sat on this mini throne draped in a plastic type of material gown thing and allowed the herbs to work their magic. I was relaxed, intrigued, laughing about what DH would think and most definitely smelled like an herbal tea. After 30 min I was done and on my way.

The whole experience left me very relaxed and it wasn't until 2-3 days later that I realized I was feeling very zen since the massage & steam. Overall I think it must have cleared up some pent up anxiety because I literally feel like a different person since the appointment. Maybe it's the exercise as well?!? I'm honestly not 100% sure but I think it's mainly the massage since I was 2-3 weeks into to my new workout routine.

Physically the only difference I can note for sure is the fact that my OPK's are giving me high fertility readings much earlier than they ever have in my cycle. I usually ovulate CD 16 or 17 and don't get high readings until a few days before that. But, I'm hoping I'll ovulate sooner since I've had high fertility readings since CD 9. That is a first! Still no ovulation but I'm ok with that, I literally just stopped stressing since this massage. I can't explain it.

While I don't know if everyone will have the same feeling I will say, for me, it was worth every penny. I will be going in a few weeks for another round which will be cheaper and shorter per the therapist.

In case you can't tell, I recommend the massage but do your research and find a licensed therapist. Hoping everyone who tried it finds even a small amount of the peace I found after this experience.

Edited for spelling because my iPhone knows more than I do.

Re: Maya Abdominal Massage & V Steam Experience

  • @Radiantly did the abdominal massage. I believe she was taught how to do it herself. She is a graduate (yay) with one blocked tube so hopefully she will see the tag and give you her experience and knowledge.

      Me:39, DH:40

    DD born 8/96, DS born 8/04


    NTNP since 2006, active trying 1/13

    Natural M/C 3/13 at 7 weeks

    CP 2/14

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers


    All welcome

  • I've had it twice and both times I thought were pretty incredible experiences.  The second time, the therapist was especially gifted and I would see her all the time if I could.  The combination of expense and commute (her office is some distance away) have kept me from going back but I definitely recommend it if you can do it!

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  • Thank you all for posting on this topic! I have been wanting this for a long time. Over a decade ago I was at the dentist with my kids and a pg woman in the waiting room started to share with me about her years of infertility. She swore the Mayan abdominal massage was what "healed" her.
    I was fascinated by this, even though I didn't realize I would remember this woman's story again and again in years to come.

    I found a lady in pdx who provides this massage...maybe I'll call tomrrow. ;)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I made an appointment for a Maya massage back home and can't wait for it!
    I've heard that women with tilted uterus problems have successfully solved them with the massage and were able to avoid surgery.
    I don't have a tilted uterus but still found this extremely interesting.
  • This sounds intriguing for sure!
  • I've had a V-steam done at a local (amazing) Korean spa, though they call it a hip bath.  I call it a clam bake.

    It's a pleasant way to sweat, but I don't believe it's ever done anything for me, health wise.  At the spa, you end up sitting next to a few other women (many of whom don't speak English), watching a Korean soup opera (with English subtitles).  They bring you iced green tea, which is nice.
    Me- 39 (turning 40 in April), TTC for the first time ever (since Jan 2015), low ovarian reserve
    Married 3/14/14 to my wonderful wife, but her sperm count is rather low
    TTC with frozen donor sperm and science

    7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
    2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
    Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
    Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!  
    fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP! 
    Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)

  • Lol clam bake @KLake42 thankfully ,one was done in the privacy of my own room. Supposedly it has many uterine benefits. I can't tell you if that true or not though. I do know that ovulated 2 days earlier than normal this month. That's a first so massage, steam or other I don't know for sure.
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