November 2015 Moms

Has anyone had gallbladder issues?

Had my first gallblatter attack last week. Brought me to the hospital because I couldn't stop vomitting (lasted 4-5 hours). Had a few more mini ones last night (30 minutes each, no hospital). Scared to eat anything! I heard this is a preganany thing for some because of the extra hormoms we produce.Of course I'm going to do anything to avoid surgery (diet change ect.). Just so painful and scary!! Any other suggestions for those who have experience with this......

Re: Has anyone had gallbladder issues?

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    I believe there was a discussion about this already. Use the search bar and I think the title was gallbladder problems. Lots of great advice there.
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    I had mine removed last year and my advice would be the pain only gets worse so as soon as you can have the surgery, do it. The surgery is laparoscopic and virtually painless. I never felt a thing when I woke up from it. I waited for about 3 months be of military training then had to have the surgery be of infection. Hope everything goes well for you!
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    Thanks girls!
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    I had mine out a month after my daughter was born but started having attacks at 29 weeks they just get worse and will have to come out so sorry I know the pain your in I had an attack so bad I went into labor...
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    Holy crap! Ugh....thanks for your reply
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