My DS is 7 months old and for the last month or so I feel like I am not producing enough. A few weeks ago I pumped before he woke up for the first feeding in the morning and I had 7 oz (he sttn). Then over the week, I would pump right before the next feeding. I am only getting 3-4 oz (after about 4 hours). I feed him baby food about 30 minutes after 2nd feeding of the day, and again at dinner which lands about 2 hours after nursing and 1.5-2 hours before bedtime nursing. He gets about 2 oz of baby food. So, when I read these articles about babies should still be drinking 6-8 oz at each session, I freak out! DS doesn't act hungry after nursing or after baby food. He does still act interested after the baby food though, like he wants more. I have not tried to feed him a full 2nd stage Gerber baby food container to see where his stopping point is. He has always finished what I give him. Does that matter? How has your supply changed after introducing food?
Re: EBF, but pump sometimes to see how much I am producing...