
EBF, but pump sometimes to see how much I am producing...

My DS is 7 months old and for the last month or so I feel like I am not producing enough. A few weeks ago I pumped before he woke up for the first feeding in the morning and I had 7 oz (he sttn). Then over the week, I would pump right before the next feeding. I am only getting 3-4 oz (after about 4 hours). I feed him baby food about 30 minutes after 2nd feeding of the day, and again at dinner which lands about 2 hours after nursing and 1.5-2 hours before bedtime nursing. He gets about 2 oz of baby food. So, when I read these articles about babies should still be drinking 6-8 oz at each session, I freak out! DS doesn't act hungry after nursing or after baby food. He does still act interested after the baby food though, like he wants more. I have not tried to feed him a full 2nd stage Gerber baby food container to see where his stopping point is. He has always finished what I give him. Does that matter? How has your supply changed after introducing food?  

Re: EBF, but pump sometimes to see how much I am producing...

  • Breastfed babies don't drink 6-8 oz at each session.  Those numbers are for formula.  Breastfed babies only drink 3-4 oz each session.  My daughter only ever drank 3 oz at each session.
  • Pumping is never, ever a good indication of how your supply is.  Many women don't respond well to the pump but just know that a baby is much more efficient at getting milk than a machine.  

    PP is right, those numbers are typically for formula-fed babies.  Breastfed babies don't necessarily need to increase the amount of breastmilk they consume as they get older.  Your breastmilk changes in quality to meet your baby's needs.  

    If he is still acting interested in solids after he's finished whatever amount you gave him, I'd offer him some more.  
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