

Figured we could all use a distraction now. What did everyone do this weekend?

Re: Distraction

  • Nothing exciting!! However tonight I watched Bachelor in Paradise! I'm a sucker for reality TV!
    Married since 2013, TTC since 2/2014
    Me : 32 with DOR 
     DH: 35 with 0% morphology 

    IVF #1 with ICSI 2/15- Banked 3 embryos
    IVF #2 with ICSI 3/15: Banked 2 embryos
    IVF #3 with ICSI 4/15: Banked 1 embryo
    IVF #4 with ICSI 6/15: Banked 1 embryo
    FET #1: 7/25: Waiting for Beta results 

  • Omg. I love that too. But my husband can't stand shows like that so I can't watch it when he's around. I caught about 20 min of it but will watch it this week. I have it dvr'ed. Was it so bad that it was good?
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  • Hahahha!! Yes!! It's on again tomorrow night!
    Married since 2013, TTC since 2/2014
    Me : 32 with DOR 
     DH: 35 with 0% morphology 

    IVF #1 with ICSI 2/15- Banked 3 embryos
    IVF #2 with ICSI 3/15: Banked 2 embryos
    IVF #3 with ICSI 4/15: Banked 1 embryo
    IVF #4 with ICSI 6/15: Banked 1 embryo
    FET #1: 7/25: Waiting for Beta results 

  • I went to the jersey shore and to the beach.  It was nice but was a good distraction because I didn't have any hpts with me to be tempted to use.  Beta is this morning but not expecting much as I took a hpt when I got home last night and it was a bfn.  No AF but i'm assuming it's due to the progesterone and estrogen they have me on..normally I get my period every 26ish days so this is not normal for me so I was kind of hoping it worked..oh on to next month..not sure if I should try IUI again or try mini-ivf.  I'm also worried about our weekends..I"m sure i'll have to go into to dr's sometime over a weekend and we have plans every weekend..this is more important and i'll make it work but just so frustrating..why can't this be easy!  

    @welovehawaii when is your test?? Fingers crossed for you
  • I thought about taking a pregnancy try all weekend!!! Lol! Just hung with the family and tried to keep my mind busy. Very happy bachelor in paradise is back!!
  • @Drove2u Thanks for the distraction! On Saturday I had my nephews birthday party then my husband took me for our second outing to teach me how to drive his car (it's a manual). I did worse this time than the previous time and ended up giving up and being in a horrible mood. :( Yesterday we went out to eat and then came home and watched Up and Sons of Anarchy.

    @rachlee2010 The beach sounds nice. :) I try to avoid the beach near me in the summer because the traffic gets SO BAD! I'll usually go if someone else drives though. lol

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • Yay for the people who got away. I worked all weekend :/ lol nurse life. It's ok now it's Monday and I'm off till 6pm woot woot ... Cleaning the house and binging on army wives
  • @AdorkablePixie We have very similar TV show choices - Love SOA and am very excited for Bachelor in Paradise. Although, my husband, like @Drove2u thinks I am crazy for watching the dating shows :-) 

    I ended up with AF on Friday which meant I had to go to the doc on Saturday (my birthday). I saw a new doctor and I didn't love her. She just was so negative that I ended up emo and that + birthday was not the best mindset for fun. Especially since she continued to tell me how few eggs I had and that I was running out of time. Up until this point, the other doctor who I usually see has only said that we have MFI problems. So, the low egg count was a surprise and how ironic that it was the day that I am turning yet another year older. I curse Father Time! We went out all day sailing and had a good time, but I had an evening breakdown. So, it wasn't the weekend that I expected. But, we made it through.
  • @rachlee2010 it was this morning! Still waiting to hear back!
    Married since 2013, TTC since 2/2014
    Me : 32 with DOR 
     DH: 35 with 0% morphology 

    IVF #1 with ICSI 2/15- Banked 3 embryos
    IVF #2 with ICSI 3/15: Banked 2 embryos
    IVF #3 with ICSI 4/15: Banked 1 embryo
    IVF #4 with ICSI 6/15: Banked 1 embryo
    FET #1: 7/25: Waiting for Beta results 

  • @welovehawaii I am excited to hear some good news!! 
  • @AMT&THC did the new dr say why she thinks your eggs are now an issue??  Our issue is all about my eggs and not being a lot left.  I am diagnosed with DOR (diminished ovarian reserve) at 32 years old..but I have hope that since I am on the younger side as far as fertility goes that I have to have some good ones left in there. 

    @welovehawaii fingers crossed..Please let us blood test was this morning too and I"m still waiting but expecting a negative as a hpt was negative last night. did you do any home tests at all?
  • @rachlee2010 Dr asked me if we'd considered IVF and said that she didn't think we had time to waste. This was after the u/s where she counted the eggs on each side. I can't tell what they are counting when I am laying there and she literally did the u/s in 3 minutes. I haven't had that reaction from the other 2 doctors that I saw there after my last 5 first appointment u/s. I am 37 so I know that isn't young. She had me do a blood test and my levels were normal though so that's good. What I thought was weird was that she suggested being less aggressive on this cycle until I told her it was my last one covered by insurance. She didn't read my charts before she came in, I don't think. I had to tell her how many days and how much we did with injections last time. I don't know....she was just a little sketchy to me...maybe just because I felt like she was full of bad news. 
  • @AMT&THC she sounds kind of off to you have a set dr you usually see that you can call and ask?? I am guessing she was counting your resting follicles on each ovary which supposedly gives you an idea of how many potential eggs you can get with either IUI or IVF.  It's your AFC...I have a very low AFC for someone my age..someone my age should have at least 6 follicles per ovary and I have not seen more than 4 on an ovary since I started treatment just a few months ago.  But my bloodwork confirms all this as I have a low AMH and slightly elevated FSH.

    I think I will be joining you in the August IUI group but will be talking to my dr tomorrow to discuss exactly what our plan will be this month
  • @rachlee2010 My appointment to discuss my first IVF will be later this month even though we are doing IUI anyway. That apt is with my usual Dr. I started with her 4 years ago and she knows me and my husband. The Dr on Sat was counting resting follicles. That sounds right. It was 5 on one side and 6 on the other, I guess. My AMH and FHS were in the normal range. I got the results yesterday. My husband has low count and morphology so that has been our main concern since we started. We waited close to 2 years to start while he took supplements to get his count/morphology high enough to qualify for treatments through insurance. He did tests every 3 months until we finally go high enough numbers. That was frustrating. While I know my eggs and I aren't getting any younger, we didn't know this was an issue until she said so last time. I am sorry to hear you are going through this. It's tough to hear a Dr. come to that conclusion. Join me on this August IUI adventure! :-) At least we'll have each other!!! Good luck at your apt tomorrow. I will be interested to hear what happens and what you decide to do. 
  • @AMT&THC I LOVE SoA. Jax is so hot. I may be secretly in love with him. Lol I also love Big Bang Theory. Do you watch that? Oh, and Walking Dead. I'm not current on any of those seasons though because we don't pay for tv so we wait until it's on Netflix or buy it on DVD. lol Also, the doctor does seem off. I would have been upset too. Seems like she wasn't very nice and didn't take time to review your file before speaking to you.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
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