January 2016 Moms

Babyshower ideas


Re: Babyshower ideas

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    I went to a shower once that asked we wrap in clear plastic wrapping or none at all for a quicker unwrapping process. I didn't even blink an eye, but I think if I remember correctly I forgot all about the clear wrapping until the last minute and I was giving a gift in a basket with a bunch of littler things in it so I just put a bow and a card in it, no wrapping.

    Actually a lot of times when I'm going to a baby shower I will buy a cute basket that can be used for organization in the nursery or elsewhere and then put my gifts together in the basket. It's my preference and it's easier then wrapping things with paper.

    I'm not sure your family or friends will even care. Like a PP said I'm sure if they are close enough to be invited to your shower they are well aware of your environmentally friendly attitude and wouldn't mind ablidging.

    Additional I do agree with others that baby showers have such cute gifts that people like watching them open. You could prob get through it pretty fast and make a game out of it. We did an egg timer that went off every few minutes and the person whose gift it was got a present. Especially since people make blankets and sweaters and other cute things they prob want to see opened.

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    I just want to second @laineylove78's idea of the timer gift game while opening/acknowledging presents at a large shower. Like others have said opening gifts is the whole point of a shower, otherwise you should just do a luncheon/tea. I do appreciate that you are trying to avoid being wasteful though - most showers end up with garbage bags full of mostly reusable bags and bows which is just sad.
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    @repeatpostpolice, I both admire and appreciate your ettiquite and manners!
    STM - EDD June 24 '18
    DD - January 2016
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    I've never been to one, but I wish this was how I was thrown a baby shower, I hate having to open gifts while everyone watches me. I spend the whole trying to make sure I seem happy and excited about all the gifts, I don't want to hurt anyones feelings, but there is always one gift you open thinking what the heck is this? I would still be willing to hold up each gift and say who it was from or what it was.
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    Ok I had about 60-70 women at my baby shower, opened presents, ate lunch and still had plenty of time to mingle with every single one of my guests.
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    I don't see the harm in this I really doubt your family would be offended by something so simple as asking for unwrapped gifts I mean really who gets put off by little things like that anyway?

    Quite a number of people actually. 

    I already pointed out that if I know the guest of honor is crunchy I would wrap my gift in a blanket or use a basket. It's not a particularly hard concept to figure out.  When people ask for "display" showers whether for a time limit or environmental reason, it comes across as "I want presents, but can't be bothered to actually receive and interact with you"  A shower implies presents. If you just want to spend time and mingle with friends and family, don't have a shower. Have a pre baby luncheon or tea. 

    "Oh, but without gift opening I'll have one on one time with everyone!" To which I say, Bull. Sure, you'll try too, but realistically you'll hang out with your closest friends and family more. You're not going to spend an equal amount of time with each guest, heck some of the guests there will whether they mean too or not monopolize the Mom to be's time. But when you open a gift, there's that minute or two where the Mom to be is only paying attention to that guest. And darn it, it's nice. It's nice to have that one on one moment where I know you actually appreciate my time and effort, that I'm not a forgotten gift amongst a pile of other mostly forgotten gifts.

    I'm sure her family knows her and they wouldn't believe that she just wants to get gifts she stated that she doesn't want to be wasteful and have more time for interaction with f and f. I was saying I don't her f and f would get all high and mighty about such a simple request. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion that's why I never make posts asking questions like this because at the end of the day it's a shower for me and I'll have it how I'll have it.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers BabyFetus Ticker
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    I'm surprised by all of these responses. It sounds like I probably belong on the UO thread, but here goes.
    I've been to two display showers and loved them both for the green aspect and for the time aspect. I was also at a small shower recently where the mom asked us if we wanted her to open any gifts bc she didn't plan to. Honestly, I was totally happy to chat with her rather than watch her open gifts. I always find it awkward when the mom is like "thanks for getting me this thing that I picked out and register for".
    I also dread the center of attention thing and am very inclined towards sustainable practices. But, in this case, partially due to all of the strong options here, I'm going to suck it up and do traditional wrapped presents. My sister, who is throwing my shower, thinks I should just do whatever I want. But, in this case I'm not going to risk offending a bunch of people. (We decided NOT to get married years ago, and have probably offended plenty of friends/family with that decision. But, I wasn't willing to compromise/concede my values and preferences on that one)
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    I'm actually appalled that people request clear wrapping or none at all in the interest of saving time. It screams materialism to me. "Just bring me stuff and don't waste my time by wrapping it!" Heck, why have a shower at all? Why not just tell people to send a check or QuickPay it to your bank account? Wow. I'm ashamed of our generation!

    DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015

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    SummerOH said:

    I'm actually appalled that people request clear wrapping or none at all in the interest of saving time. It screams materialism to me. "Just bring me stuff and don't waste my time by wrapping it!" Heck, why have a shower at all? Why not just tell people to send a check or QuickPay it to your bank account? Wow. I'm ashamed of our generation!

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    SummerOH said:

    I'm actually appalled that people request clear wrapping or none at all in the interest of saving time. It screams materialism to me. "Just bring me stuff and don't waste my time by wrapping it!" Heck, why have a shower at all? Why not just tell people to send a check or QuickPay it to your bank account? Wow. I'm ashamed of our generation!

    I'm sure it has been done or is coming.

    DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015

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