Is anyone's LO rolling over yet? Mine has gone tummy to back twice but it seemed more like a topple. Then one time when he woke up from a nap he was on his tummy when I always put him on his back to sleep. And the kicker was tonight when I was putting my toddler to bed and he was in the crib in the same room he rolled back to front. I rolled him back onto his back and he immediately rolled again. They have all been uncoordinated rolls and seem accidental, so I'm wondering if they "count." Am I in denial that my child is rolling? I want to stop swaddling if he is.
Me: 38, DH: 35
Re: Rolling over?
He rolled from tummy to back at 3 weeks I think because he was so mad at us for putting him on his tummy. He's done it a few more times since then but is not consistent in doing it. I can't see him having the desire to do tummy to back rolling since he hates his tummy time so much.
I'm actually surprised at how many of your LO's have already rolled from back to tummy. It's definitely the harder of the two. I remember when my nephew was learning to roll, I tried to roll from my back to tummy to demonstrate for him. Without using your arms it is a LOT harder than you'd think.
@chambersbaby2015 This!!! Just wanna let you know that i was having a horrible day at work and i just read this just made me giggle a bit. Thanx!!! Really needed it to get through the rest lf the day!
I'm glad I made you giggle - hope your work day improved! I remember my DH laughing at me because I couldn't roll. Then I made him try it. Two grown ups rolling around on the floor while my nephew laid there staring at us.
On Saturday, however, she still screamed even on my chest. She lifted her head a bunch in her anger so I let her go for a minute, promising it was worth it in the long run to get the exercise. She hated me for a good 15 minutes for that one...
I have a stupid question, wouldn't seaddling stop LO from rolling? I was planning on swaddling her even after she rolled so she wouldn't roll at night but everywhere on the bump it says to stop at 3-4 months
I'm concerned that carrying her all the time is impeding her gross motor development. She holds her head up well for good amounts of time and doesn't need me to constantly put a hand on her back to steady her.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow.