May 2015 Moms

Wonder Weeks

Has anyone been following their LOs wonder weeks? Do they seem to be on track? When your LO "finishes" a leap, does their behavior (sleep patterns, level of fussiness, etc.) tend to go back to what it was before the leap?

I just caved and bought the app. My LO is in the middle of the Patterns Leap. Hoping this is legit and that it will explain her crazy changes in behavior lately! I hate feeling like I'm doing something as a mom to cause these changes (increased crying and fussiness, more restless sleep).


Re: Wonder Weeks

  • It may not go back to normal (like it was) but they will get back into a routine. It just may be a new routine.

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  • So I just got the wonder weeks app in the middle of the night. Can I just say how depressing I find it?! I thought I would appreciate knowing when DS will be hitting these stages and I'm sure I will. But looking at the chart and seeing all the storm clouds in comparison to happy suns. Now I'm depressed lol

    Especially that 4th leap that's FIVE weeks long! :((

    Although, I do have to say, my LO hasn't seemed too phased by the first two. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself :)
  • ltcamacho said:

    So I just got the wonder weeks app in the middle of the night. Can I just say how depressing I find it?! I thought I would appreciate knowing when DS will be hitting these stages and I'm sure I will. But looking at the chart and seeing all the storm clouds in comparison to happy suns. Now I'm depressed lol

    Especially that 4th leap that's FIVE weeks long! :((

    Although, I do have to say, my LO hasn't seemed too phased by the first two. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself :)
    Yep. That's the one I was just looking at. It runs over my birthday and then also the weekend that DH is away. Oh gosh!!! Praying I don't have a mental breakdown.
  • kby721kby721 member

    So I just got the wonder weeks app in the middle of the night. Can I just say how depressing I find it?! I thought I would appreciate knowing when DS will be hitting these stages and I'm sure I will. But looking at the chart and seeing all the storm clouds in comparison to happy suns. Now I'm depressed lol

    I agree. I can't decide if I like the app or not. On the one hand I like to refer to it on those tough nights to remind myself why we're up every couple of hours but on the other hand I find myself dreading what's to come. I feel like I should read the book to get a better understanding but it might be even more depressing. I find it pretty interesting that it goes by due date though. DD was 9 days late so I like to think she's advanced for her age haha.
  • I love the app! I also bought the book and I read what's happening when the app tells me LO is in a leap. For me I notice he's fussier when the app tells me he's in a leap but it doesn't last the whole time. So that 5 week leap coming up, I'm not worried. They give the largest range of time so you know when to expect it but it shouldn't last the whole time!
  • So I just got the wonder weeks app in the middle of the night. Can I just say how depressing I find it?! I thought I would appreciate knowing when DS will be hitting these stages and I'm sure I will. But looking at the chart and seeing all the storm clouds in comparison to happy suns. Now I'm depressed lol

    I agree. I can't decide if I like the app or not. On the one hand I like to refer to it on those tough nights to remind myself why we're up every couple of hours but on the other hand I find myself dreading what's to come. I feel like I should read the book to get a better understanding but it might be even more depressing. I find it pretty interesting that it goes by due date though. DD was 9 days late so I like to think she's advanced for her age haha.
    Agreed. DS was a week late and I totally feel like he's advanced haha! Glad to know I'm not the only proud mama out there.
  • gtellier said:

    I had never even heard of "wonder weeks" until I saw the topic come up here haha. I just go day by day, with little expectation of what her moods are supposed to be like based on age, and she's always one happy girl. Personally, I find too much information can be bad sometimes. The more we read, the more we worry/stress before things happen.

    I totally agree! I have the app and sometimes feel more stressed knowing what's coming. Especially since she hasn't seemed too phased so far...

    Ignorance is bliss :)
  • @ltcamacho - it definitely can be :) it definitely sounds interesting about information about leaps and stuff though.
  • @gtellier it's definitely interesting to learn about what's going on in her little mind :) something I really had no idea about!
  • I think the leap can happen anytime during the period, so hopefully it doesn't actually last five weeks!
  • i just have the book and so far i notice that shes behind but she was two weeks early so i guess that makes sense.  Dont know if ill bother with the app the based on what you guys said...
  • I'm not too intimidated by the chart and storm clouds. I'm sure this will become something I only reference when I'm at my wits end and need an explanation... I am not one to dread things that haven't even (and may not) happened yet.

    If you do look ahead, try to think of it as learning about the new things your LO will discover. :)
  • I bought the app but I don't find the chart matches up with my LO behavior at all. Fussy days on the chart she is fine and then sunny days she's fussy. I also find it hard to believe I will go through 5 weeks of straight fussy behavior.

    Maybe I'm being cynical but I think every baby is different and deals with this differently and an app can't generalize those behaviors.
  • I bought the app but I don't find the chart matches up with my LO behavior at all. Fussy days on the chart she is fine and then sunny days she's fussy. I also find it hard to believe I will go through 5 weeks of straight fussy behavior.

    Maybe I'm being cynical but I think every baby is different and deals with this differently and an app can't generalize those behaviors.

    I like the app because it gives you an idea of what they are doing developmentally and a reason why they might be fussy. I agree that every baby is different, but they do learn these skills in this order and around these times. For most babies.

    I'm hoping the 5 week one is just a time it may happen and it won't last that long.

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  • I just downloaded the app and so far I'm unimpressed.
  • I bit and got the book, and am not overly excited either.  
  • I find this app useless.  Even though it is only $1.99 I am glad I had an appstore credit and didn't pay for it.
  • I got the book and love it. Way more info than the app. Also I've found it helpful to do the activities with DS they recommend to help the transition to the next leap and ease the fussiness. Makes the fussy time more tolerable for us both and gives us more ideas of ways to bond.
  • My LO is already doing everything they say he will be able to do after this next leap .... I guess he didn't get the app or read the book.
  • My LO is already doing everything they say he will be able to do after this next leap .... I guess he didn't get the app or read the book.

    Haha!!! I actually laughed out loud at this.

    And agreed. I find half the things they say DS will do, he's already doing.
  • I broke down and got the app. I put her due date to her actual due date and not the date that she was born and that seemed to be correct because she's right on track now.
  • Yeah it's strange but they calculate it based on due date regardless of when they were actually born. I think we're out of whatever leap/growth spurt LO just had... phew!
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