Has anyone been following their LOs wonder weeks? Do they seem to be on track? When your LO "finishes" a leap, does their behavior (sleep patterns, level of fussiness, etc.) tend to go back to what it was before the leap?
I just caved and bought the app. My LO is in the middle of the Patterns Leap. Hoping this is legit and that it will explain her crazy changes in behavior lately! I hate feeling like I'm doing something as a mom to cause these changes (increased crying and fussiness, more restless sleep).
Re: Wonder Weeks
Although, I do have to say, my LO hasn't seemed too phased by the first two. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself
Ignorance is bliss
If you do look ahead, try to think of it as learning about the new things your LO will discover.
Maybe I'm being cynical but I think every baby is different and deals with this differently and an app can't generalize those behaviors.
I'm hoping the 5 week one is just a time it may happen and it won't last that long.
And agreed. I find half the things they say DS will do, he's already doing.