Hello ladies! This is my first time really reaching out, so please be gentle with me.
This is something that I am desperately seeking help with. To make a long story short, before the birth of our son my husband went through a long process to try and join the army. Due to a medical issue he had a few years back it caused major issues and we had to jump through many hoops to finally get him medically approved to join.
Now that he has the go ahead, we are so torn. On one hand neither of us want him to join because of the baby, and the milestones he would miss combined with the fact that I would be by myself to raise the baby for a little while with little to no help. (Closest family is 3 hours away, all friends work and have little free time).
And on the other hand, we think he should join for the opportunity along with all of the benefits it would bring.
I have struggled with this decision for months and nobody in my daily life has really been of much help.
I guess what I'm looking for is advice from current military spouses who have children.
Is it hard having them gone and missing out on new things with your children?
Would you prefer you SO not to be in the military?
I just need help guys

I am so terrified of being alone and having to juggle a new baby, my job, my crazy animals and life events with no help but I also am nervous about missing out on a great opportunity.
Re: Military Spouses - please help!!
My husband was in the Marine corps and it brought us so much closer as a couple having to trust each other. We went weeks without talking during deployments and months without seeing each other. We didn't have children while he was in so I don't know that side of the spectrum but a lot of our friends had babies and some men even missed the birth. You have to roll with the punches. You get screwed over a lot and plans always get changed at the last minute.
Just know that at the end of the day it's you two against everything else. You have to be able to depend on each other.
That would get to me too. Frankly I'd feel
Like a single parent. But everyone is different and maybe you'd be ok with it once you got situated.
Which in turn brings up, what if he becomes stationed away from family, like we are? Yes, the other spouses are a source to lean on, but for myself I find it hard to hang out with them, its just my personality. In 12 years with my hubs in the service, I've never made friends with any other spouses, and this is our 4rth assignment. But a lot of that is my personality. I'm a loner. So I thrive by myself. However, if my husband were going to be overseas or deployed away from me and LO for a long period of time, and I knew that, I would probably move close to my sister so that LO and I had a support system. On the other hand, i might just deal on my own, and support system be damned. But again, that's my personality. I'm a loner and I'm stubborn and I just deal with shiz. My frame of mind would have been different going in, knowing I would be rocking this scenario solo. If you are someone who makes friends easily and has no problem joining into a group, the spousal support system will be awesome for you, and maybe even better than family. I do not make friends easily and tend to prefer my own company, so I barely benefit from the spouses nearby, despite the fact there is a pretty strong spouse support network here since its such a small town. I sometimes think that the other spouses actually think less of me for not hanging out with them. So definitely consider your personality type.
Do I wish he was not in the military? This is going to be SO subjective to each person, but for me - No. I do not wish he were not in the military. This lifestyle suits us - going from place to place every 3-4 years, seeing new people, new cultures. I'm fond of saying every time we transfer and are looking as possible assignments that are open "its like shopping for a new life". And I feel like its still the same us everywhere we go, but we get to start a whole new thing every few years. We have seen so many places and done so many things, all thanks to his military career. Yes, there is stuff that happens because of his career that is really hard. Really stressful stuff happens. But that's life. Stressful stuff will happen regardless of military service or not. Maybe different stressful stuff, but stuff still happens. I just roll with the punches and enjoy life, cause what else are ya going to do?
I also would be totally okay with moving around a lot. I tend to get bored of my location easily so I think the constant change of scenery might be pretty cool.
It definitely is a lot to consider and there are many pros and cons for either path. Hopefully when he gets home tonight we can try and finally decide something and stick with it.
I have enjoyed it. DH has many friends that have kids (multiple kids, even) and they all make it work and somehow make it look easy.
This may help you guys to decide - what do you gain if he joins? What do you gain if he does not?
For us, him joining was the way we were able to break out of a likely to be dead end life. Neither of us could make enough $ to go to school to get a degree, nor could we make enough $ to escape our very expensive area so that we could try to make a better start somewhere else. Without his joining, we would both still be stuck barely scraping by. Yeah, we had good jobs that paid well, but the area we lived in was so expensive that we were constantly struggling. His joining allowed us to move our lives forward. His not joining would have gained us nothing. We would have never even considered having a kid in that other life...
Edited, words, I missed some
I think after a very long talk with my mom(also a previous military spouse of 28 years) along with work friends and you ladies I have decided it may be the best route for our family if he were to join. I don't see much use in passing up a long term benefit for a temporary inconvenience.
I will say the beginning is hard. I think the army might be slightly less strict, but I didn't hear from SO at all the entire time he was at boot camp (3 months) besides occasional letters, it was hard since it went from being together every day one day to no contact the next. It only got easier from there, so just hang in there!
It sounds like you guys are being very practical about your decision, so I don't think you'll have any regrets! You can do it, girl!