May 2015 Moms

How much is your 2 mo old eating?

ive searched different terms but can't really find anything although I know this has been discussed numerous times. My LO has put away 9 oz in the last 2.5 hours. She's 9 weeks, didn't think she'd already be capable of eating that much..? I fed her 5 oz at 7am, then around 8 she ate 2 more, and at 915 another 2. She's now napping.

Re: How much is your 2 mo old eating?

  • I breastfeed so I don't know how much my little guy gets unless we bottle feed him. The other night he ate 4 oz at 6pm and then 4 oz at 7pm. He's been drinking 5-6 oz bottles when he stays over with granny. He's 9.5 weeks.
  • My little guy did the same thing right at that time. She's probably having a little growth spurt. Eating plenty is better than not eating enough. It's a good sign of a healthy baby!
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  • I live in the UK and I was told they should be drinking at least 150ml per kg - so my LO weighs 4.4kg so should drink at least 660ml per day. Appreciate you US guys don't use the same measurements, but feeding amounts should surely be based more on baby's size rather than age..?
  • I EP, and DS (eight-weeks old) eats anywhere from 23-33 ounces in a 24-hour timeframe.  
  • Kye042Kye042 member
    In a full 24 hrs this is my LO schedule usually and he is 9 weeks old:

    8am: 4 oz
    10am: 4 oz
    12pm: 4 oz
    3pm: 4 oz
    5pm: 4 oz
    7pm: 5 oz
    2am: 4 oz
    5am: 4 oz
  • My LO is almost 9 weeks and he eats 4oz just about every 2-2.5 hours. At night we give him 6 before bed (about 845) and he either sleeps through the night or wakes up at about 3am for another 4. Then he sleeps until 8 or 9. Hope this helps!
  • My LO is 11 weeks old and she eats 6 oz every 4 hours.
  • I exclusively breastfeed (my daughter won't even take the bottle haha) so I have no idea ml/oz how much she gets. She nurses every 2 hours in the day, and goes 6hrs at night before needing to feed. She has her 6 wet diapers a day, with usually one bowel movement. She is 10 weeks and weighs 13lbs, so I'm hoping she is getting enough. Definitely jealous of you moms that can measure exactly how much your baby is getting lol
  • rae430rae430 member
    I BF, but while I'm at work, my 10.5 week chunker has been eating two or three 5 oz bottles of breast milk. He's 14 lbs already and over two feet long so he's been eating a lot more than I expected
  • I exclusively FF and my 9 week old eats 5 6 ounce bottles a day! He sleeps through the night so he takes one when he wakes up and one at bedtime, and then usually one before and after his long nap, and one at dinner time.
  • 10 wo eats 5-6 oz 6 times a day.
  • My 8 week old LO eats 6oz every 3 hours, and sleeps through the night
  • My 11 almost 12 week old eats 4oz every 3 hours. She is exclusively FF. they will let you know when they want more. She eats 24 oz in a 24 hour period. She started this right around 2 months.
  • And she sleeps through the night, has since about 4 weeks. She is also above the 98th percentile for height!
  • My 10 week old has 5 5-6oz bottles a day, she has her last one at about 10.30pm and doesn't wake up for her next one until 6-7am. She's almost known from day one the difference between night & day and always been a very good sleeper. I put it down to being a heavier baby at birth weight.
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