Last night I started to FINALLY take advice from this forum seriously and started a bed routine. I actually started a couple of days earlier but bubba was sick so she was sleeping terrible regardless but she's much better.. I started a bath around 7pm took her to my room peacefully rocked and patted her and she was asleep around 7:30pm. I usually want her to go to sleep at 10pm so she doesn't wake up too early but I heard on here that it's good to put then to sleep early and can help them sleep longer. Anyways not sure which one worked or if they both worked but instead of her usual 4 hours sleep she slept 8 HOURS!!! Bitter sweet as I expected her to wake up so I was awake for 5 of those hours nooooooooo
So lady's that haven't tried these things out yet and are struggling with their babies sleeping patterns PLEASE TRY IT!
Re: Bitter sweet victory?
Unfortunately for me, I have tried it several times... my little girl just isn't ready yet. If we get her down between 7-8, she still wakes up several times before her ultimate 10:30 bed time. I just trust that when she's ready she'll Change her pattern.