I knew having a newborn would be mean being sleep deprived constantly but I didn't realize to this extent. How many hours of sleep are all the other new moms getting out there?
We've had our son home a week and my husband and I have gotten an average of about 4 hours of sleep a night,very spaced out. And to top it off,we've had to go to ER 2 nights in a row this week,first because of a bladder infection that gave me a fever and then the next night I passed a very large blood clot and was told to go in. Both nights we were there from about 130am-6am then didn't sleep til around 9am so our sleeping pattern is very messed up still.
I just want to know things will get better and that we can survive getting little sleep for the time being. Just looking for some supportive words please.
It's been really hard and I have been crying non stop because of postpartum depression.
Re: FTM in need of support
And sleeping on the couch feels safer for us to co-sleep.