Hi everyone,
I've been an on and off lurker for the past year and had to quit cold turkey because I was becoming consumed with trying to get pregnant. Quick intro: DH and I are both 35 yo. We've been ttc for approximately 2 years and been diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Other than low progesterone, can't figure out what's going on. Been through 3 rounds of clomid, novarel, and TI. Took a couple months off to regroup and de-stress with accupuncture before staring IUI. Attempted IUI for 3 cycles: all with femara and ovidrel, last cycle was back to back IUI. No luck. I've been a wreck every 29 days with AF visits, as I'm so tired of the disappointment and the unknown. We have an appointment with an RE next week to discuss IVF. We are both excited and anxious at the same time. It's so overwhelming reading what the process entails and what to expect. Just wondering if you ladies have any suggestions on questions to ask at our initial visit.
Re: Onto IVF