May 2015 Moms

EBF side preference

My LO will be 12 weeks on Sunday. For the last 2-3 days she prefers to feed on my right breast only. Any ideas? Anyone else experienced this? (She has fed on left a few times, but prefers right).

Re: EBF side preference

  • I've read that this is quite common. My sister told me that my nephew rarely nurses on one side. But he is 16 months so a lot older. Keep offering both breasts. My DS will often do a day or two where he doesn't go for very long on one side but then goes on the other. Then a few days later he might switch which one he's preferring.

    If your LO continues to refuse one side then your body will adjust. My sister said she's noticed a reduction in her supply on one side but she still always offers it and occasionally he'll accept.
  • odawgodawg member
    My daughter loves the left. Just try and pump the off side to keep the milk going. I found my left produces more milk so i assume thats why she likes it
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  • Yup my DD prefers the left. I just keep offering the right and pump if needed.
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  • My little guy did this at first. I think my right side has a faster flow so it was easier. I read that it could be the saltiness or taste to it too. Now he just wants a boob in his mouth haha
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