May 2015 Moms

7/23 Mommy Successes and Wins

pat yourself on the back!! What have you done right lately? Brag away!!!

Re: 7/23 Mommy Successes and Wins

  • I pumped while breastfeeding baby big at the same time! Not easy but worth a try! Haha. Anyone else feel like a cow getting milked when they see it flowing into the pump?? Maybe it's cuz I'm from Wisconsin lol
  • Agreed with PP on the cow comment. Side note: when my friend had her DD, her DS was 2 years old. Every time she fed DD she'd have to explain why to DS. Eventually he got it and then whenever he would see her feeding he would say "moo" the entire time haha

    My success: DS refused his 7pm bedtime last night. So I fed him again at 8, handed him off to DH to rock to sleep and I went to bed. I was asleep well before 9pm. By the time he woke up for his feed I had slept for 6 hours straight :) and it feels WONDERFUL. Not sure when I did that last...
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  • I call pumping e-i-e-i-o, so I get it.

    Successes...I managed to get lo to nap off of my lap twice this week, and had about 4 hours total to get things done!  Whoo hoo!
  • SUCCESS!!! Got my DS to nap in his pack and play which he hasn't done in weeks (will only nap in my arms). I discovered yesterday that he likes his right hand in his mouth. I think he's discovered his hand and his tongue. So I swaddled him leaving that arm out and he's now been sleeping for almost an hour with his hand by his face. I had tried this a couple of weeks ago but with the other arm and it didn't work at all. But this time it's definitely working :) Happy mom here!!! I can finally clean my house!!!!
  • My success is a little; I survived a week with son on my own. We don't live near family and I really only have 1 very busy friend here, so I spent an entire week taking care of my son on my own while my husband was away for work. I didn't think I was gonna manage, it's stressful trying to do it completely alone. Unfortunately, I get to do it all alone next week too. And then for 10 days next month.
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