December 2015 Moms

Calcification in baby's stomach *UPDATE*

kjswan3kjswan3 member
edited August 2015 in December 2015 Moms
I had my 20 week anatomy scan today and everything looked good except for a few things. The doctor said that there is a calcification that is in the baby's stomach. She said she has never seen a calcification in the stomach before. She has seen ones in the brain and heart which are more serious, so I am thankful that the baby is overall ok except for this. The doctor is having me see a high risk doctor and get an ultrasound to check everything out. I am trying to be positive but my mind keeps thinking that It is my fault! I know it's not but I worry that maybe I ate something that the baby ingested that caused this! I know this is crazy to think but with my DD I had no hiccups with the anatomy scan! I just assumed it would be fine since everything was ok last time...I'm just so worried. Has anyone experienced or heard of someone having a baby with a calcification in the stomach? I am keeping off of google because I would drive myself nuts!

The second part that the doctor told me was that my placenta is slightly covering my cervix so doc just told me no sex. She said that these things can correct themselves, but they will just keep an eye on it to make sure it moves out of the way as the pregnancy progresses. I have read and heard about this happening. I just wanted to know if others have had a situation like this that did correct itself?

Thank you in advance for all of your support!

UPDATE: Ok sorry for the long wait...I just got into the perinatologist last week! I just got my blood results in yesterday and everything looks ok. The doc did see a white spot on baby's stomach but he didn't seem to worried....he said that on a scale of 1-10 it is a 0 worry factor! I feel much more relieved. They still need to monitor the baby so I will have an ultrasound at 30ish weeks. I also had blood work done to make sure that the calcification does not indicate that baby has an infection...and everything turned out fine. My blood report numbers are completely normal.

Although I was hoping the calcification went is kicking and healthy as can be:)

The doc also said that my placenta is still covering the cervix slightly, but he said that 95% of cases the placenta has moved out of the way...this will be monitored when I am further in the 3rd trimester.

So all around good news! Thank you for all the support ladies! And sorry for the late update!
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Re: Calcification in baby's stomach *UPDATE*

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  • redfallonredfallon member
    edited July 2015
    Aw Katie, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I don't have any experience with this, but will be thinking about you.

    The thing with the placenta sounds like placenta previa. I have seen some others post about this in other threads. I also found some info on Mayo Clinic and What to Expect. Of course, don't stress yourself if your doctor isn't, but this may let you know a little more about it:

    *just realized that you said you'd already read about it 



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  • No experience here either except that I have had an A/S not go exactly as planned. The anxiety is horrible thinking something is wrong. I hope the calcification resolves itself and I want to send you and baby thoughts and prayers. :)

     Me (36) + DH(35) = Married 9yrs!
    BFP #1 May 2010! mc @11weeks blighted ovum, natural mc.
    BFP #2 Sept 2010! mc @9 weeks, natural mc. Diagnosed with Prothrombin Gene Mutation or Factor II (hetro)-baby asprin while ttc, Found out the hard way that I am deathly allergic to aspirin- OB put me on Heparin injections.
    BFP #3 July 2011 with DS (whom was diagnosed with bilateral trans-radial limb deficiency at 20 week A/S-with no answers why) born 4-12-12.
    BFP #4 March 2013! Early mc @6weeks.
    BFP #5 Sept 2013 EDD June 5th, DS#2 born 5-31-14
    BFP #6 April 2015 EDD December 21st Lilypie Pregnancy tickers   

  • Thinking of you and baby. Keep us uodated, I hope everything turns out okay!! ♡
  • fioripfiorip member
    Very sorry you are going through this. Rest assure that nothing you did caused this. I personally have never heard of calcification of the stomach and really hope the specialist can provide some answers. As for the placenta, it can definitively resolve itself and most likely will; even if it doesn't, it's manageable. Depending on how much of your cervix is actually covered, you can still have a vaginal birth with little to no complications. I'll be praying for you, may everything resolve itself.
    I'm 29, husband is 30
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    Married 01.17.15  <3

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  • I'm sorry. I also do not have any experience with this. Please know that it is not your fault though. I will be sending you lots of love and hugs.
  • I'm sorry to hear you're going through this! I don't have any experience with this, but you and your LO are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated!
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  • I personally haven't had placenta previa, but my best friend and sister-in-law both had it.  One corrected itself before delivery and she never had any bleeding.  The other had bleeding problems and was hospitalized many times and had to have an emergency c-section 6-7 weeks early because of all the bleeding.  So really it depends.  The placenta can move on its own and not cause any problems or it can cause a lot of problems.  They likely won't know until much later which category you will be in.  Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Married - 10/10/2009

    DS - Due 11/3/2012 born 9/28/2012 due to Severe Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome

    DD - EDD 12/30/15

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  • I'm thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way.
  • My friend had placenta previa and it totally corrected itself! Happy thoughts and prayers that everything turns out just fine!
  • Please don't blame yourself, I know it's hard to not think about every possible thing you could have done but sometimes these things just happen. I hope your follow up appointment goes well and that you can find some peace between now and then. My thoughts are with you, I know how stressful it can be worrying about the health of your baby.
  • Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and words! @Embuzz247 it is good to know that your friends child was heathy and the calcification resolved! I am hoping when I go to the high risk doc they tell me everything is ok and be a little more reassuring!!
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  • taysuntaysun member
    I am sorry you're going through this! My mother had placenta previa with me, and while she was on bed rest for her third trimester, she did not need a c section. I'm hoping everything resolves itself!
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