Cloth Diapering

FTM considering Cloth Diapers

Hello! I'm a FTM due Nov. 6th with a baby girl. Before pregnancy I considered cloth diapering and told myself that if it's all I ever know, it won't be anymore work than disposables plus the thought of saving $1000+ sounds great! I am now going back and forth and I don't really know what is causing my mind to doubt except that I don't have any friends who CD so it is fear of something new.

Anyhoo...are there any Mommas that CD baby #1 from the beginning? How did you get started and what helped you to stick with it? Also, what brand of diapers work best for you little ones? Also, I know EBF babies waste is much different from a formula fed or baby on solids so there is no reason to "rinse" but neat freak in me is telling myself there is no way I could just throw it in a hamper and then into my washing machine.

Married: 6.28.14
TTC #1: 2.1.15
BFP: 2.23.15 EDD: 11.6.15  

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Re: FTM considering Cloth Diapers

  • So sorry, I should have lurked more and seen there are post just right below mine that are similar and probably will answer my questions...please forgive me!!!
    Married: 6.28.14
    TTC #1: 2.1.15
    BFP: 2.23.15 EDD: 11.6.15  

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  • If it makes you feel better, you can rinse newborn poop. I'm a fan of simple and easy, so I never did. I use a hanging wet bag and washed every other day.
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    Parent of Baby Boy M, born December 2013 Angels: Miscarriage @ 9 weeks, May 2015, Chemical Pregnancy November 2015

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  • Thank you for the good info! :) 

    Married: 6.28.14
    TTC #1: 2.1.15
    BFP: 2.23.15 EDD: 11.6.15  

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  • I cloth diapered my son since he was born (now 17 months) and planning to continue with baby #2.
    Me and my partner both work full time, and we also didn't know anybody who used CD back then. But it has been great, and 3 of my friends who have had babies since then are now using cloth diapers too.

    There is s lot to learn, it can be overwhelming. What helped me:

    * Facebook co-ops and Craig'sList to buy diapers (I have a few BG diapers but I don't like them -- too expensive for a diaper that will need new elastics in under a year)

    * Facebook group Fluff Love & CD Science to figure out a good washing routine

    And try to keep it simple and easy-- as s new mom you will probably have a lot going on, so don't make your life more difficult with crazy wash routines with fancy detergents or spraying EBF poop. Think of what your grandma would have done with cloth diapers :)
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