October 2015 Moms

Third trimester exhaustion

Any exhausted ladies out there?

I'm sure we all are. We get up at least 3 times a night to pee. Last night I woke up at 3 am and thought, "Wow I slept through the night!" nope, I just really had to pee. 

 I'm trying to do a deep clean before the baby gets here but I get too tired to do anything. I can only do sections at a time and I keep sitting down to rest. It ended up taking me 5 hours to vacuum and mop the floors, clean the windows, clean the bathroom, put away everything, do laundry, and wax the furniture today. My DH found me passed out on the couch.

My DH and his friends were looking for my coffee stash this weekend when they came over early (since I'm a pretty big coffee drinker and I was out of town this weekend) but could only find decaf. When he told me this I laughed and showed him my frozen coffee beans in the freezer. Can't wait to drink my normal dosage of caffeine again!

Re: Third trimester exhaustion

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    Beyond exhausted! Plus it's been so hot before noon here! This morning I spent so much time scrubbing the white oven and white cupboards... I accidentally dropped a bottle of balsamic vinegar and it shattered, I had to re clean what I had just done because it splattered everywhere! I almost cried... Plus that was the second bottle I had broken before 9:30am! Hoping for some good nesting in my near future & that my bh contractions won't stop me lol And I'm ready for a good cup of coffee too!
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    I'm not quite in my third trimester, but I get tired so easily. We just moved and I've been trying to help DH with unpacking when I get home from work (he works from home), but I have to sit down an rest so often that I wonder if I'm really helping much at all. :/

    And this morning I reeeeeeeeeaaaallllly wanted a large cup of strong coffee. Decaf is ok, but some mornings it is so hard to wake up and get going!
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    I haven't washed my floors in about a month. Just vacuumed and swept. Lazy ?? Probably. I'm so tired and laundry takes a lot out of me believe it or not idk if I'm just a baby?? Lol my doc did say I have low iron so that could be another reason. I take my vitamins but I'm so out of breathe with cleaning. I do the basics and try to ask my boyfriend to chip in here and there.
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    Sometimes I wake up and eat breakfast then lay down for a nap! It's currently pretty random though, some days I'm fine other days I can't find energy no matter what!
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    ems028ems028 member
    Third trimester vomiting anyone? Twice this week I've thrown up in the morning..Both times in the car so it might have something to do with motion sickness?

    Also...diarrhea? I've had it once a day for a week and a half now. Oh...Help. ~X(
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    @ems028 no vomiting thank god. But lots of nausea due to motion sickness. Boat rides especially.
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    ems028ems028 member
    @carlymarie021 it's so strange! I didn't even know this was a thing. Wow pregnancy!
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    It's all worth it in the end. I just cannot wait to see him .. I don't want to rush it but I want to blink and have it be October 8th!!
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    ems028ems028 member
    Yes..that's what I keep telling myself! 11 weeks to go..I'm due 2 days before you..I wish it was here already too hehe. @carlymarie021
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    I feel like I cannot catch up! :( my house looks like a tornado went through.. I get off at five and every night this week have been canning garden produce. The house just gets messier and messier! I would love to be able to just take a week off of work and nap and clean. I fight sleep all day at work and it eludes me at night. (:|
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    Beyond exhausted! DH and I have discussed hiring a maid service to come in before the baby is here because I am just too tired to make big gains around the house. Simple cleaning has been taking ages and I've been letting a lot go. We're on a tight budget but hiring someone to do one big deep cleaning in September is looking like a necessity at This point!
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    The fatigue has been with me since my first trimester. I've become the master of getting things done through being tired. I actually like to clean and organize because it helps me with my anxiety. The funny thing about this trimester is that I've been able to fall asleep a little quicker than the previous two. I would lie in bed, staring at my husband, jealous I couldn't sleep. But I try to read or watch TV until I'm completely pooped. 

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    kindlycrystal OMG moving is the worst!
    We moved when I was 3-4 months pregnant and I was a total mess, and so was the apartment. 

    I am so tired nowadays too! Ever since the Dr. said I can't sleep on my back anymore I've been so uncomfortable. I bought a special pillow and I'm still in pain. Sleeping on my side or on a slant or reclining just isn't restful to me. I feel like I'm losing my marbles. Focusing on work is becoming so hard.
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    carmv01carmv01 member
    edited July 2015
    I woke up to some BH contractions around 3:30 a.m. that almost took my breath away because of how suddenly tight my stomach got. That freaked me out! This was my first time really noticing them. Couldn't fall back asleep for at least an hour or so because I kept anticipating that feeling. I'm a little tired because of the lost sleep but fortunately not too exhausted.
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    I just had another night without sleep.  Since DH and I are sharing one car until his gets fixed I've been able to be home and clean. Honestly it's the only way I get it done. I left my job a month ago due to a lot issues with the company and I'm doing the stay at home mom thing for a while, but I really feel for you ladies because for as little sleep as I'm getting, I don't know how I could go to work and then come home and clean or take care of stuff when I'm this tired. 

    This morning I was running out the door to get our other car worked on (not a good month for our cars) and I guess my dog got out of our room last night because he pooped and peed all over the hardwood floors that I just mopped. It took everything I had to mop those floors. I seriously want to kill that dog right now. He's having potty training issues even though he's 3, he just refuses to go outside and now that I'm home I'm really working on this issue with him. I really hope we get it resolved before the baby gets here. 
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    4-5 hours of sleep seems to be the norm now, patched together. i wake up often to pee, or because i am uncomfortable, or because baby is kicking me!! and for some reason i can't sleep in past 6 or 6:30 am even though i don't have to be at work until 8:30. in short... i am tired!!! guess it's good preparation! and, i have noticed a few nights in the past week (week 29) where i was 1st trimester levels of tired... struggling to stay awake at 9pm.  ick.
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    I'm in my third trimester and also so exhausted, way more than the second tri.  I would do anything to not be working right now and home lying on the couch,
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    Second tri had me feeling great but now I'm back to being tired and achy. I can barely keep my eyes open when I get home from work, thankfully my kids are on summer vacation and don't have HW they need help with.
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    I'm soooo tired. I own a summer camp so it's also a very busy time of year. My house is the biggest mess. I haven't cleaned in a couple weeks. We are supposed to have a BBQ and I'm dreading it. Some days I sneak home early and nap if things at the camps are going well. I didn't expect to be so tired!
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