
how often do you use a swing with your infant?

FTM here: how often do you put your infant in a swing and how long do you let them swing?  Sometimes I swear it seems the swing is the only thing that calms my little one, especially if he has already been fed and had a diaper change. 

Re: how often do you use a swing with your infant?

  • My lo started off screaming like she was being stabbed to death in her swing.  Now she'll give me 20 minutes of peace (at 8 weeks).  She fights sleep though, and will not nap in it.  At most, she might get two swing sessions a day, if I need a bit of time in the evening too to get some laundry on (single mom so I need to set her down SOMETIMES, lol).  I think the biggest concern with amount of time is  getting a flat spot if they're constantly in a swing or pack and play or both.
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