May 2015 Moms

Choking Baby

My DS just projectile vomited mid-feeding. (This is not entirely unusual for us - he had pyloric stenosis and it's been better since his surgery but we still get a good one every other day or so.) This time he happened to move his head mid-vomit so it went straight back down his throat. He started coughing on it and was unable to breath and TURNED BLUE!! We turned him on his side and slapped him on the back & suctioned his throat and pushed on his stomach & chest. We called 911 but DH was thankfully able to get him breathing again before they arrived. Scariest moment of my life!!! My baby was blue and I was not doing a good job fixing it fast enough. DH fixed it thank God. I feel like the worst mommy ever cause I panicked!!! It's been several hours and my heart has not fully slowed down yet. I vomited myself after the whole ordeal. DS has been temporarily moved back to the pnp in our room as I don't want him out of my sights at all.
-very worried mama

Re: Choking Baby

  • Oh my goodness. That sounds awful. I'm so sorry you had to experience that but I'm glad he's okay. You have had such a rough go with your little one. Try to get some sleep mama. Thinking about you
  • You are a great mom! And don't you forget it!!! I'm sure most of us would have had a very similar reaction. I often wonder what I would do and am very conscientious of having my phone near me at all times to call 911 in just that scenario.

    I'm sorry that you had to experience that and I pray that it doesn't happen.
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  • I am so glad he is okay. You did great.
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
  • You are an excellent mama! How can you not panic in a time like that? I'm so thankful that your DH was there to help and so that you weren't alone! I don't blame you one bit for moving him back into your room!
  • I had a similar situation happen. My LO was still moving air. But she was choking and struggling. We suctioned her out several times. Finally it cleared out. We also finally changed her formula to a reflux formula. Totally different baby. I sympathize with you. LO had been in her crib since two weeks. I felt so good then she had her choking episode at 6 wks. She is now 8 wks and my husband and I refuse to put her in her crib at all. Very scary.
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