
10dp3dt BFN

Hi all, I am losing hope. I am 10dp3dt and BFN today. I shouldn't say it's a true BFN because I was on luteal HCG support. My last injection was 7/16. I began testing 7/17 and it was positive due to the HCG, but that line has continued to get lighter with each subsequent test. I feel like it'd be darkening if my body was making HCG on its own. This morning i could barely see it at all.

It's such a bummer. My beta isn't until 7/23 (14 days from transfer). I think my FRER will be completely negative by then, I wish my beta was sooner just to get it over with.

We bought a package of three IVF cycles with our RE so in the past when we had a negative I was devastated but always said "ok! Two more cycles to go. Anything can happen!" Or "one more to go! Let's see what happens!" This time, it's our last. With only one egg retrieved with full IVF meds, we aren't pursuing another cycle. I have such DOR that even with maximum stimulation I only get one egg-never anything to even freeze.

I guess I'm just sad. This is the end for us. Anyone else in the same boat? Thanks.

Re: 10dp3dt BFN

  • I forgot to add. I am only 33.
  • jnissajnissa member
    I'm really sorry for your bfn. There's still always hope until the beta though. I know it's slim hope, but still hope ;)

    big internet hugs. have you thought about what your next step would be? 
    Me: 41, DH 38, Diagnosis DOR
    Started TTC 12/2013
    First Trip to RE: 11/2014
    IVF Round 1: 2/2014 - BFP
    DD Born 11/9/2014
    TTC a Sibling Started 5/2015
    First IVF Round 8/15 - BFN
    Taking a break to go on vacation + enjoy the holidays before FET and/or another IVF round in 2016!

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  • Yes. We would adopt.
  • You should consider a doctor that works well with dor ladies. Dr. Sher in Vegas is a good one for dor girls. I know a lot of dor girls do good with estrogen priming protocols. One egg per cycle isn't a fair chance I hope you truly aren't at the end of the road but if you are, at least you tried until you felt it was enough, I hope things change for you during your beta. I'll be back to see how it went for you. Good luck
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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