July 2015 Moms

Breastfeeding Support

I hope I don't violate terms of use but for anyone who is having breastfeeding problems, La Leche League is amazing. While they are non-profit and not always certified lactation consultants, they are willing to offer support and assistance for free.

I called the local and national numbers and was able to speak with someone within an hour or two. The local leader is coming to my house tonight to assist me with my son's (one week old) latching problems.

Anyway, I will edit this after our meeting and let you all know how it goes, but I feel like this is God sent as I am roughing through the learning process as a FTM.

Also, if you know any other resources that can be helpful, please add!

Re: Breastfeeding Support

  • Kellymom.com is another good resource
  • My local hospitals also have free support groups that have been awesome.  LLL is great too!  Good for you for reaching out!  You are doing great mama
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  • qtjo5qtjo5 member

    My local hospitals also have free support groups that have been awesome.  LLL is great too!  Good for you for reaching out!  You are doing great mama

    My hospital does too, which was great until they told me I couldnt get in to see a consultant for another week or two (summer vacations).

    I had amazing luck w the LLL local leader. She was at my house for 2.5 hours talking breasfeeding. It was so nice, she even gave me her number to call or text if I needed advice or help. I am so thankful for them!
  • @qtjo5 was it free for the local LLL leader to come to your house and help you? Just curious.
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  • Wic has lactation specialist too
  • qtjo5qtjo5 member
    Mudhappy said:

    @qtjo5 was it free for the local LLL leader to come to your house and help you? Just curious.

    Yes they are non profit. I gave her $ for donation though.
  • Thank you for this, @qtjo5! I'm pumping while trying to get Olivia to latch. It's discouraging, but I'll keep trying. Meanwhile I have so many questions. I feel like I need to pump like 5x a day minimum to get relief.
  • qtjo5qtjo5 member

    Thank you for this, @qtjo5! I'm pumping while trying to get Olivia to latch. It's discouraging, but I'll keep trying. Meanwhile I have so many questions. I feel like I need to pump like 5x a day minimum to get relief.

    You're welcome! The main reason I called was for latching advice. It was a tremendous help, and it has made a huge impact in just a day. If you want the national number send me a pm and I can give it to you or just google the name.

    Good luck!
  • I sent the PM. Thank u!
  • @smccall3838 everything I've read says when exlusively pumping you should be pumping at least 8-12 times a day including through the night! Wouldn't want you to lose your supply!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • You actually pump 2-3 hours a day. So that's 8-12 times a day...including nights. I'm pumping now because of latching issues.
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