My baby girl has been EBF and am now starting to introduce the bottle since I'll be going back to work in two weeks and need to get her used to it. The problem now is that she refuses to take anything other than the boob. Has anyone experienced this and has suggestions on any boob-like nipples? So far I've tried the advent natural and the medela slow pour nipple.
Re: Bottle for EBF baby...
I haven't tried them yet, but I did buy them - I think it was $10-$15 for 3?
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
She gets 2 bottles a week fed by DH.
& my mom today saw her sucking on the soother paci & said she felt bad for my nipples.
I only have 2 Avent bottles (from registries-fo free!!) & a friend offered to give me a pack of TT bottles since she has extra!!!
DS1 did this and we had a horrible time getting him to take a bottle. The Medela Calma nipple and the tommee tippee both worked for him. DS2 seems to like the Calma right now. The baby really has to work for the milk. Otherwise he chokes
Anyone else have trouble with LO drinking a "full bottle" (enough for your LO - mine is 4-5 oz) & then act hungry after bottle? She's done this once or twice & I've had to put her on the boob. Pedi said for daycare to pump 1 or 2 - 2 oz bottles extra just in case...