June 2015 Moms

Bottle for EBF baby...

My baby girl has been EBF and am now starting to introduce the bottle since I'll be going back to work in two weeks and need to get her used to it. The problem now is that she refuses to take anything other than the boob. Has anyone experienced this and has suggestions on any boob-like nipples? So far I've tried the advent natural and the medela slow pour nipple.

Re: Bottle for EBF baby...

  • I BF for two weeks and tried Advent, tommy tippee all before trying dr Browns. Dr Browns were by far the best and LO was able to adjust to that one easiest.
  • mtav22mtav22 member
    I'm going to have to give that one a try. Are you still breastfeeding? I want to keep on breastfeeding and don't want nipple confusion to come into play.
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  • I go between tommee tippee and breast feeding with no problem.
  • I am bf'ing, we tried to introduce the medela bottles first. And he would drink them, but the nipples were awkward for him. We Then moved onto mam bottles. He does great with the mam bottles and they really help eliminate excess air.
  • Tommee tippee has a very wide nipple. Works awesome for us
  • At target the other day I found some Nuk bottles that were specifically made to simulate the breast. The nipples are ergonomically shaped to mimic the nipple / breast against their palate, and have a very wide base to mimic the swell of breast / areola. The result is an oddly shaped nipple, for a bottle, but I use some pacifiers that are shaped that way (also from Nuk), and LO doesn't seem to mind them. Also, the bottles / nipples have a flow setting so you can use a slow, normal, or fast flow.
    I haven't tried them yet, but I did buy them - I think it was $10-$15 for 3?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Comotomo bottles are awesome!!! Actual bottle is silicone so kind of boob like feeling being squishy. Nipple is also soft like the boob
  • We use Dr. Brown's too. Make sure you're using a newborn/slow flow/level 1 nipple so its not coming out too fast.
  • We use Dr. Brown's as well, but with the preemie flow nipple. He wasn't a preemie, but the slower flow seems to work well for him.
  • My LC recommended that someone other than yourself give the bottle to LO. I've noticed if LO is going to take the bottle I need to be out of the room and DH has to give him the bottle. We have been using Tommee Tippee. DH says LO will fight it initially but then will accept it. Good luck!
  • We love Tommee Tippee bottles. LO's have always been able to go back and forth between breast and bottle with no problems.
  • aj1327aj1327 member

    My LC recommended that someone other than yourself give the bottle to LO. I've noticed if LO is going to take the bottle I need to be out of the room and DH has to give him the bottle. We have been using Tommee Tippee. DH says LO will fight it initially but then will accept it. Good luck!

    I was just about to say this same thing. We use Tommee Tippee too.
  • Like a PP I'm using Dr. Browns preemie as well for the extra slow flow. We are EBF but he's gotten a bottle or two or EBM from the beginning w no issues.
  • We've had luck with Munchkin's Latch bottles. Any other kind, he gets mad at or spits up everywhere afterwards. He doesn't mind these and he's still boobing like a champ.
  • Has anyone used the breastflow bottles? Ive been super curious as to how other babies have taken them. My lo is being super picky.
  • We do a few ounces in a Tommee Tipper every other day, no problems at all continuing to breastfeed. We've also tried Avent and Dr. Brown. Avent is decent but LO does not like Dr. Brown; it doesn't mimic a real breast that much.
    Coffee Bean Born 6/13/15.
    2nd round exp 8/20/18.
  • Ditto on Dr. Browns! It has more than a few parts and DH always puts them in wrong but LO does really well drinking out of them and she's still breastfeeding really well too.
  • We use tommee tippee as well.
  • We've been using tommee tippee too. Baby has had no issues going back and forth between bottle and breast but last night was so fussy. He had a lot of gas and I'm not sure if he just ate too much (had the boob an hour earlier then 4 oz bottle and still wasn't satisfied) or if it was the bottles. Do you guys use the reg tommee tippee or those ones with the anti colic ?
  • Dr. Browns here too. We used the wide mouth level 1. I was told to use the wide mouth if I was BF.
  • We go back and forth with the boob and Tommee Tippee without any problems! Also, we tried the Latch bottles and they worked great too. Sticking with TT b/c someone gave me a set at one of my showers.
  • I use Dr. Browns with the premie nipple. The consultant I worked with recommended standard over wide mouth. Who knows. No confusion here though
  • kkdb14kkdb14 member
    Ditto on MAM. Love them. I'm not BF but I love them.
  • We use avent. Had no issues but then again LO would suck the paint off a wall so...

    She gets 2 bottles a week fed by DH.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • Tommee tippee here :)
  • We are using the Playtex naturalatch at the recommendation of our LC. We did try the breastflow, they are a bit odd. We introduced a bottle at 2 days old because of issues (tongue tie, cracked nipples which led to the need to supplement and pump to let them heal and get her tie revised), so she'll basically take any bottle. We had started with dr. Browns, they are good. The LC didn't like the breastflow vthought it might start bad habits that could effect latch because of the design.
  • Were also using Tommy Tippee bottles - the slow flow (green on the box).
  • We've been using tommee tippee too. Baby has had no issues going back and forth between bottle and breast but last night was so fussy. He had a lot of gas and I'm not sure if he just ate too much (had the boob an hour earlier then 4 oz bottle and still wasn't satisfied) or if it was the bottles. Do you guys use the reg tommee tippee or those ones with the anti colic ?

    We just recently switched to the anti colic and she seems to be less gassy so far. She was crying through a whole bottle at one point. Now she eats and goes right to sleep.
  • We've been using tommee tippee too. Baby has had no issues going back and forth between bottle and breast but last night was so fussy. He had a lot of gas and I'm not sure if he just ate too much (had the boob an hour earlier then 4 oz bottle and still wasn't satisfied) or if it was the bottles. Do you guys use the reg tommee tippee or those ones with the anti colic ?

    We just recently switched to the anti colic and she seems to be less gassy so far. She was crying through a whole bottle at one point. Now she eats and goes right to sleep.
    Thanks!! We bought the tommee tippee anti colic and the wide neck dr Browns. Baby seemed to do very well with the wide necked dr Browns last night- no gas at all!
  • ksancha said:

    Has anyone used the breastflow bottles? Ive been super curious as to how other babies have taken them. My lo is being super picky.

    I tried the Breastflow bottles with my first son and we both hated them. The nipples collapsed and he had a hard time emptying them. While he was young, the only bottle he would take was the comotomo ones.
  • I can't say enough good things about the Munchkin Latch bottles and I have tried Medela, Tommie tippie and Dr Brown. The Latch is actually the most similar to breast feeding. I just bought 2 more today.
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  • We use avent. Had no issues but then again LO would suck the paint off a wall so...

    This. She loves her Avent bottle.
    & my mom today saw her sucking on the soother paci & said she felt bad for my nipples.

    I only have 2 Avent bottles (from registries-fo free!!) & a friend offered to give me a pack of TT bottles since she has extra!!!
  • @krystleshel I haven't even tried any other kind. Maybe I should? She also took a bottle of cold breastmilk today so I really think she's just a pig and doesn't care how she eats as long as it's in her mouth.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • mtav22 said:

    My baby girl has been EBF and am now starting to introduce the bottle since I'll be going back to work in two weeks and need to get her used to it. The problem now is that she refuses to take anything other than the boob. Has anyone experienced this and has suggestions on any boob-like nipples? So far I've tried the advent natural and the medela slow pour nipple.

    DS1 did this and we had a horrible time getting him to take a bottle. The Medela Calma nipple and the tommee tippee both worked for him. DS2 seems to like the Calma right now. The baby really has to work for the milk. Otherwise he chokes
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  • @dancegurl1118 I haven't tried any other bottles yet. I hope she likes the TT, but I'm thinking mine is like yours & just likes to eat. She also had cold breast milk at Sunday school today, but only ate 2 oz then & then another 2 an hour later...

    Anyone else have trouble with LO drinking a "full bottle" (enough for your LO - mine is 4-5 oz) & then act hungry after bottle? She's done this once or twice & I've had to put her on the boob. Pedi said for daycare to pump 1 or 2 - 2 oz bottles extra just in case...
  • With all three of my girls, we have used the nuk orthodontic nipples. They are shaped like the pacifiers we use which I'm sure helps. Great success. And I have never fed any of my kids from a bottle, they refused to take it from me, only boob.
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