So everything you look at says something different...if I am 17weeks how many months it's that? I feel like I am so much bigger with this baby than the last. Just curious, thanks
If you're talking to non pregger people (and who haven't been pregnant) it's easier to round up or down. For you, i'd say 4 months. I'm 20 weeks and technically not 5 months but that's what I say when I'm asked.
I've been saying every 4 weeks is 1 month. I know it's not exactly accurate, but I feel it's close enough. So 16-19 weeks I'm saying 4 months, and will say 5 months when I get to 20 weeks.
I go off that website too. I'm 18w2d, which means I just hit my 5th month mark. I never realized how many people didn't understand what X number of weeks meant until I became pregnant.
Most doctors don't go by months, it's too confusing... But I go by this for reference... I stick w weeks, so much easier. Plus gives a better understanding of how far along you truly are.
When I talk to people, I go by how many months until I'm due - otherwise they notice the math makes no sense because if the 4 added unnecessary weeks. I'm due December 6th, so I say 4.5 months, since it's 4.5 months until the baby comes and addition makes it 9.
Re: weeks/months