Trouble TTC

Clomid/Ovidrel- Timed intercourse

Hi All-

I have been trolling the boards, but was wondering if anyone could give me any advice :)

My husband and I have been ttc for over a year, this month was our first month of Clomid/Ovidrel. Our doctor suggested this as well as timed intercourse (if this doesn't work, our next step will be IUI).

I did 100 mg of clomid days 5-9, had my first ultrasound on day 10, 5 follies on the right, 4 on the left, all measuring less than 1. Went back 2 days later (day 12), still too small- one follie on the right measuring 1.8. Went back for a 3rd ultrasound yesterday (day 14), follie on the right 2.3 and follie on the left 2.1- did the HCG trigger yesterday morning.

I took an ovulation test this morning (day 15) and the test came back negative. Has this happened to anyone else? Is it normal to get a negative ovulation test after doing the HCG surge after 24 hours?

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

Re: Clomid/Ovidrel- Timed intercourse

  • I never tried testing with an OPK after the trigger. I don't know for how long it would detect something, and whether the shot messes anything up (just like if you took a pregnancy test instead it may well have been positive). Curious to see whether others have tried.
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