
New member, longtime lurker. Pregnancy mentioned.

Shima42Shima42 member
edited July 2015 in Infertility
I've been visiting lots of different boards without saying much (including Infertility) on The Bump for a couple years now.  My current difficulties make me feel that this is the place to be right now.  I had a miscarriage that lasted for two months a year-and-a-half ago, and since then I have had a hard time getting pregnant.  I tried three rounds of Clomid, and I had one chemical pregnancy.  I'm 34.  I am doing everything 'right' (timing, vitamins, fertility lubrication).  My husband had thyroid cancer, and a few months ago we had to stop trying for six months because of his radiation therapy.  We can start trying again in two-and-a-half months.  I am taking Cryselle as birth control until then.  My previous pregnancy came immediately after stopping birth control, so I am hoping it will work the same way this time - but I am worried that this pill, which is different than the other stuff (Quasense), might inhibit pregnancy more than help it when I stop it.  Do any of  you know anything about which hormones in a birth control pill are more likely to allow pregnancy immediately after quitting it?  I know that lower estrogen increases the chance of ovulation, so I wonder if a lower-estrogen pill will help more.

Re: New member, longtime lurker. Pregnancy mentioned.

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