June 2015 Moms


kkdb14kkdb14 member
edited July 2015 in June 2015 Moms
DD is 7.5 weeks. She hasn't laughed yet, doesn't coo (although she's starting to grunt and gurgle without any other reason occasionally), smiles very occasionally but never with an open mouth, and doesn't often change faces drastically. I'm so worried that I'm not stimulating her enough? We don't play much because I'm really lost on what I'm actually supposed to do with an almost 8 w/o? I know there's a thread on it but none of it seems to be of any interest to her at all. She'd rather stare of into the distance quietly, or she's also just as content to go into her swing and nap for another hour or two. Is anyone else's LO like this? I'm reading the "best moments" thread, and I don't get to experience most off the things you ladies do, and mine was technically not even born in June (meaning she's older). I'm very frustrated..

Re: Milestones

  • HoosOnFirstHoosOnFirst member
    edited July 2015
    My 6 wo does smile but my guess is that babies do have different personalities like people do :) She doesn't laugh or anything. She loved to stare at stuff in the distance but I try to at least humor myself by reading to her and shoving pages in front of her field of vision. She will focus on and respond to certain pages in books - mostly red, black and white items.

    I get told my baby is "so serious" all the time (lots of furrowed brows, super intense looks at eating time).

    Also, maybe because your baby was born in May, like my LO, we actually hit milestones later? Based on EDD? (Assuming both our babies were a little early). Just a thought. So my baby is 6.5 weeks but developmentally only 5.5 since she was a week early, or something like that.

    I'd ask your doc if you think it's more than her personality.
  • kkdb14kkdb14 member
    I plan on asking at her 2 month appointment if I don't feel any better by then. I wondered about it being her personality, but if so, we're going to have a rather dull kid. Like she literally just stares off into space with no expression most times.
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  • kkdb14 said:

    I plan on asking at her 2 month appointment if I don't feel any better by then. I wondered about it being her personality, but if so, we're going to have a rather dull kid. Like she literally just stares off into space with no expression most times.

    It could be her vision too, maybe it will turn out she needs glasses? (Not hoping that's the case but maybe that's why she's not responding).
  • kkdb14kkdb14 member
    I've needed glasses since 5 y/o and was told mine would continue to get worse, and boyfriend was born with congenital glaucoma, so it's definitely possible. She can definitely track voices and find faces, but it could definitely be blurry. I hadn't thought about that! Eye exam came back normal, but you never know!
  • hoodoll82 said:

    I get told my baby is "so serious" all the time (lots of furrowed brows, super intense looks at eating time).

    I am told the same thing about LO being a serious baby since he can give some of the most hateful looks, I just laugh at them but last night I told DH that he just inherited my resting bitch face :)) :P

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • mindaamindaa member
    At 6.5 weeks, My LO hasn't been interested in toys yet either - he just gets transfixed by things like windows and lights.
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

  • Babies don't have good vision at all right now. I downloaded the Babysee ap to have a better perspective on what she sees at each age. Right now they will respond most to black and white contrasting colors and red. Do you have a baby mat that has the bars you can hang toys off of above the baby? We place LO on that for tummy time and activity time. We hang toys from the rungs and let her stare at those. Also doing a walk about in the yard to listen to the different sounds and sights is a favorite activity of hers. I took her for a walk last night in the stroller for the first time and she loved it. She was so alert and calm. You can also sing to her and make the hand gestures...twinkle twinkle and itsy bitsy spider are some basic ones. Hope this helps!
  • We just found something that makes our LO smile. DH nibbles on LO's fist and says that "I'm going to eat your hand" in a funny voice. Ridiculous but it works everytime.

    We are quiet people though and I'm pretty serious (with my own resting bitch face) so I was a little worried he'd just not learn to smile, especially with me all tired
  • Today at my LO's 1 month appointment the doctor told me that by month two I should start noticing her smiling at me. He said right now she looks off and smiles at things or noises, but it should become more of a "social smile" because she will start following my face and smiling at me directly. Right now she smiles a lot and would rather look at bright lights than me, but it's normal. She is a noisy little thing though and when she is happy then she is constantly moving, as in kicking her legs and moving her arms.
  • Our LO is three weeks and holding his head up pretty well and starting to try to mimic facial expressions. He's not very good at either yet, but he's freaking me out by even attempting at this age.
    That being said, every baby is so different. Our dude is all about tummy time, which I am attributing to his head business, but your kiddo may not care yet. Smiling is pretty cute, but it's just a thing. If baby is healthy and happy, I'd not worry.
  • kkdb14kkdb14 member
    Thanks ladies. This was all helpful to hear. Things I already knew, but needed to hear again I guess.
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