DD is 7.5 weeks. She hasn't laughed yet, doesn't coo (although she's starting to grunt and gurgle without any other reason occasionally), smiles very occasionally but never with an open mouth, and doesn't often change faces drastically. I'm so worried that I'm not stimulating her enough? We don't play much because I'm really lost on what I'm actually supposed to do with an almost 8 w/o? I know there's a thread on it but none of it seems to be of any interest to her at all. She'd rather stare of into the distance quietly, or she's also just as content to go into her swing and nap for another hour or two. Is anyone else's LO like this? I'm reading the "best moments" thread, and I don't get to experience most off the things you ladies do, and mine was technically not even born in June (meaning she's older). I'm very frustrated..
Re: Milestones
I get told my baby is "so serious" all the time (lots of furrowed brows, super intense looks at eating time).
Also, maybe because your baby was born in May, like my LO, we actually hit milestones later? Based on EDD? (Assuming both our babies were a little early). Just a thought. So my baby is 6.5 weeks but developmentally only 5.5 since she was a week early, or something like that.
I'd ask your doc if you think it's more than her personality.
We are quiet people though and I'm pretty serious (with my own resting bitch face) so I was a little worried he'd just not learn to smile, especially with me all tired
That being said, every baby is so different. Our dude is all about tummy time, which I am attributing to his head business, but your kiddo may not care yet. Smiling is pretty cute, but it's just a thing. If baby is healthy and happy, I'd not worry.