vbac with small pelvis

I had a csection with my first child-- labored for 24 hours, pushed for four hours, could see his head, but couldn't push him out. The doctor said my pelvis was too small. Anyone VBAC after a similar situation?

Re: vbac with small pelvis

  • Sorry i cant give you any advice but Im also eager to hear others' experiences. I believe I have cephalopelvic disproportion, was 1cm then closed back after a week. My muscles were als very tense during ie's. It was terrible. Now im also wondering if i can go VBAC in April.
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  • My story is similar to yours as I was told I was too small to birth babies because of the size of my pelvis. I went on to vbac a 9lb 15oz baby 2 years later. Find a provider that believes in birth and hire a doula!

  • love the VBAC success stories.  my doctor won't let me go past september 10, so if i go into spontaneous labor before then, i will attempt a vbac.  baby is an estimated 8.5-9 lbs.  yikes! 
  • love the VBAC success stories.  my doctor won't let me go past september 10, so if i go into spontaneous labor before then, i will attempt a vbac.  baby is an estimated 8.5-9 lbs.  yikes! 

    When is your due date?
  • I had a c/s w my first bc if similar circumstances (pushed for 4+ hrs w no progress). He was also posterior. I went on to have a VBAC w a 10lb, 10oz baby (2+ lbs bigger than my first), and just had my second VBAC w a posterior baby (and he was a 1/2 lb bigger than my first). Look for a provider who has a good VBAC success rate, that's much more of a determining factor for success. Good luck!
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • Keep in mind that ultrasounds later in pregnancy are less accurate at measuring weight than early ultrasounds. There are scientific studies to support that, plus I personally know several people who told they were having 9+lbs babies who turned out to be 7lbs. I'm not saying that is definitely the case for you, just something to keep in mind.
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