May 2015 Moms


what do you guys do with your cats while baby is sleeping? I'm so worried about them accidentally smothering her at night, which hasn't been a worry before because she was sleeping on my chest or in the swing but I'm trying to get her to sleep on her play yard. Has anyone actually had a problem with this?

Re: Cats

  • My cats are more interested in sleeping with me than with the baby so easy solution is to make sure she doesn't sleep with me. However my boy cat likes to sleep where she's been like the car seat. Are you cats exhibiting any unusual behavior?
  • My boy cat has no interest in the baby so I'm not worried.
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  • I think the US still sells 'crib nets', that might be an option. They've been banned in Canada now since people were using them to try to keep their toddlers in the crib and the toddlers of course were yanking them off and getting tangled. Just don't be that dumb. :P I did borrow one from a friend to use if lo sleeps in her crib when she's small enough for my snuggling cat to be a worry.
  • Not sure how your cat responds to noise but ours seems to hate the white noise. She always slept in our bedroom before baby and now she can't stand the noise and sleeps elsewhere. The odd time she's curled up in bed with us but usually only for a couple of hours.

    I'm not much help though because my cat is afraid of DS. She will come over to sniff him and as soon as she gets a whiff of his head she runs away. I guess she isn't fond of that newborn smell!
  • I was worried about this too, but my boy cat has no interest in baby. Sniffs and then runs away!
  • Do you cats sleep on you? My cats never sleep on me, just at my feet. I've caught them in the pack n play a couple times with my LO, I scolded and removed them, but they were just at his feet.
  • I worried about this too, so if my cat approached the bassinette or was too close for comfort to it I would give her crap and chase her away so she knew it was a no no. U could also use a spray bottle!
  • They show no interest in her but have not been aggressive either
  • uta10uta10 member
    This is totally stressing me out as we have three cats. We currently have the baby in a bassinet in our room and lock the cats out at night but I miss them! We plan on moving the baby to her room in a crib at 12 weeks old, shutting the door and using a video monitor. This way the cats can't get in to her and she will be old enough to be able to see/watch on the monitor. She is just one room next to us and the walls are thin so with the video monitor it should be okay. I know I personally would love more advice on this but most people roll their eyes and just think I'm the crazy cat lady with three cats. :-). Even in the baby class we took the teacher basically was just like oh get rid of the cats....!!!!
  • uta10uta10 member
    Oh and one more thing we did, we have a spray that is a cat deterrent that is made with cinnamon and lime (they hate those smells). We sprayed it around the perimeter of the crib way back when I was like 6 months preggo, they learned early on that they didn't want to go close to the crib because of this. Worked well and you can get it at any pet store, all natural and no chemicals.
  • We just close the door to the room...problem

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  • My cat oves to get in crib, so I turn on the monitors and close the door.
  • I have five cats in my house age ranges from nine to three. All of them could care less that the baby is sleeping or even in the house. They show no interest in his crib at all. One cat likes to sleep in his bouncer but if he's in it she walks away. We just always keep his door shut when he's sleeping and keep his video monitor on so no fear of a cat in the crib with him.
  • vic8504vic8504 member
    edited July 2015
    when LO is sleeping in the pack and play or his crib we turn on the monitor and shut the door. My one cat is 18lbs and loves being on you, I would rather LO be safe and not take any chances. I did this with DD as well.


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