Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Newborn sleeping in bassinet

I have a baby who is less than a week old. My SO and I planned on cosleeping by having our LO sleep in a portable bassinet between us. Tonight is our second night at home and he refuses to sleep in the bassinet. He will sleep in it during the day but as soon as it is night he will put up a fight and cry non stop until he is held to sleep. Even if we put him in the bassinet while asleep he will wake up and cry. Any ideas on how to make baby feel more comfortable sleeping in his bassinet?

Re: Newborn sleeping in bassinet

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    Are you swaddling him? He may just have his nights and days mixed up.
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    Yes he is swaddled and I know having his days and nights messed up is what's causing him to wake up as frequently. I just wish he would sleep as long as he does when he is next to me in bed. I'm just worried I'm gonna roll over on him or something
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    Is it reclined at all? My LO doesn't like to sleep flat on her back. She was fine with it for the first few days, but once she started to have a little gas, she prefers to sleep more propped up.
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    My little guy goes through days where it's hard to get him to sleep in the bassinet. If he is really gassy he doesn't like it very much, swaddling and raising the head up a bit can help. I also use Gripe water if he has a really bad night just to help with an upset tummy.
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    Gripe water is a miracle!
    Also, our LO likes to sleep propped up a little bit. He has been sleeping at night in his vibrating bouncy chair. Best investment ever! (Fisher price monkey bouncing chair $79.99).
    I also found there is a pad you can put under their bassinet or crib mattress that vibrates (munchkin lulla vibe vibrating mattress pad) we are gonna try that to slowly transition to bassinet then eventually crib.
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    Have you tried a white noise machine? Some babies find it soothing. My LO slept in an inclined sleeper (Rock N Play) for the first 5 months because of reflux & she slept really well in it.
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    Read up on safe bed sharing if you do decide to keep him in  bed with you.

    Some babies just don't sleep where you want them to so you have to try different things to see what he likes.

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    I gave up on the bassinet about 3 weeks in and set up the bed for the little monkey and I to share safely.  We get 4-6 hour blocks of sleep now, and she's happy.  And, I like her little self all snuggled into me too.

    If that's not for you, one thing that did help her a little bit in the bassinet was using a microwavable heat therapy bag to warm the mattress a bit before putting lo on it.
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