May 2015 Moms

Naps in crib not going well!

So I'm trying to get LO use to sleeping in her crib. She's 6 weeks old. I'm trying to lay her down drowsy but awake and after appropriate wake time. I have white noise going. She'll fall asleep for a few mins and then wake up and start crying. She'll calm down and just lay there wide awake. Eventually she'll fall back to sleep and the cycle continues. She's been doing this for almost 30 mins now.

Advice?? Anyone experience the same thing?

Re: Naps in crib not going well!

  • My LO does the same exact thing EXCEPT when I swaddle her. It really makes all the difference.
  • Swaddling used to help my LO. She takes naps where ever she will sleep. But she sleeps well at night. As long as she sleeps at night, I don't care where she takes a nap.
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  • I swaddle her too. She finally fell asleep. Only to wake up 30 mins later. Guess we'll stick with napping in the swing! She also sleep really well through the night.
  • Wait a couple weeks and try again. Do you feel strongly about putting her down drowsy but awake? Because you could also rock her until she's asleep and then put her down. American academy of pediatrics recommends against more than 20 mins in a swing. That said, you do what you gotta do.
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  • I did feel strongly about drowsy but awake but I've had several moms tell me that it comes easier as they get older. So I'm kind of letting it go lol I read that about the swing...not sure how I feel about it lol I definitely keep an eye on her and give her plenty of time on the floor to work out motor skills. She's actually napping on the couch right now...not sure how that happened lol but she's staying! :)
  • My LO is a power napper. Maybe thirty mins after a feeding if I'm lucky. She sleeps on her crib at night. So where I can get her to nap I let her. Sometimes it's on me. Which sucks when I need to do stuff but of it makes her happy oh well. I am a FTM so I'm hoping I'm not setting myself up for a struggle later.
  • in my case this would sound like the LO is hungry
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