Hi all!
I had my first Ovidrel injection, followed by timed intercourse 15 days ago, and like clockwork, 14 DPO, I got my period today. Of course I was hoping for a BFP this first cycle, but realistically, I'm actually looking at this as the silver lining, since I have PCOS, and this is the first period I've had since September 2014, when I stopped taking the Pill. At least I know I'm capable of ovulating, even though its with extra help!
I spoke with my RE's nurse this morning, and this cycle I'll again be doing the exact same plan of 7.5 mg of Letrozole starting CD3, with an ultrasound on CD11, and then hopefully another Ovidrel injection (provided I have some mature follies on US).
My question is, has anyone else done multiple rounds of Ovidrel before achieving a BFP? I know usually its recommended only doing 3 cycles before moving onto something more aggressive, and I'm really hoping not to to have to move to the big guns! (IUI or IVF).
Re: How Many Rounds of Ovidrel?
Ovidrel is the trigger shot to make you release follies. I am new to the infertility world, but pretty sure you will pretty much have those even with IUI (could be a different brand, but all HCG). It's so they can time your IUI knowing you will ovulate within x time. You will also likely trigger with IVF before the egg retrieval.
Good luck to you!
Took a break and ttc naturally
7.) IUI Cycle 7 February 2016-100mg clomid days 3-7, U/S day 12 showed 2 follicles (22mm and 24mm), Ovidrel trigger shot day 12 at 9:00pm, IUI cycle day 14 at 10:00am. BFN
Meeting scheduled for 2/29/2016 to discuss iui with injectables vs. IVF
8.) IUI Cycle 8 March 2016-Injectables (Gonal F), U/S showed 2 mature follicles, Ovidrel Trigger BFN
April-May I lost my mind.
IVF#1 July 2016-Transferred 2 fair blasts. 9dp5dt BFP 129 BETA, 13dp5dt 944 BETA, 20dp5dpt 8776 BETA, 8/19/2016-1 beautiful heartbeat of 100 BPM at 6 weeks 1 day! Growing baby grow!! 8/25/2016-another ultrasound at 7 weeks and baby has a heart beat of 129 BPM and is 10mm/1cm! Grow baby grow some more!! Graduated from RE at 10 weeks and had ObGyn appointment at 13 weeks. It's a girl (found out via panorama test) EDD 4/13/2017