How was everyone's week? I guess we probably aren't considered "new" moms anymore huh? I should work on the title of this thread.
Ugghhh why do I torture myself with the whole pumping vs formula thing? I was only one pump away from being weaned off completely and exclusively formula feeding but my hormones (or unnecessary mommy guilt?!) reared it's ugly head. All of a sudden I started thinking "Maybe I gave up pumping too quickly? What if I can get baby to latch again (even though he hasn't since the second week of life)?" "Formula is so expensive, maybe I can up my supply? DH get me some Guinness and oatmeal!" I was weaning off b/c I never really made enough to keep up with LO's demand and we pretty much supplemented since week 2. So what did I do? I introduced two more pumps a day (now at a manageable three and no middle of the nights), chugged some Guinness (not a struggle haha), made some lactation cookies and got my supply back up from .5oz if that to 2oz a breast. We are of course still supplementing but for now I'm content. Oh and I did manage to put LO to breast - just out of curiosity - to see if he remembered. He did but he couldn't get much out and boy did it anger him. It was all too reminiscent as to why I started pumping to begin with!
How much are your LO's sleeping through the night? Mine just reached 4.5-5hrs and he's going to be 7 weeks on Thursday. Also how many oz is your LO eating? He's at 4-5oz now.
Re: New Moms - weekly updates July 13-20 Updates, Issues, Accomplishments
Also, in regards to eating and sleeping, LO is 3 weeks today and sleeps about 3 hours or so at night, we usually have to set an alarm to wake up and feed him. We're exclusively feeding formula now and he eats 4 ounces every 2.5 to 3 hours, but will occasionally go 3.5 to 4.
ETA : in between bouts of diarrhea. I had my first PP poop about 3 days after delivery and was still constipated for several days and now for the past week and a half I can't eat without getting an upset stomach
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I'm sure he means well but if DH tries to offer anymore suggestions (after being in bed all night) I might cut him.
Last night DS was ruthless up every 60-90 minutes to eat... Hoping for a better night tonight.
Today I actually managed to eat breakfast, lunch, take care of baby, pump my engorged breast (which I'm getting concerned about) shower and dare I say baby is asleep maybe I should make dinner now?
All of this will be wrecked when baby wakes up to cluster feed from 9 to midnight. Oh how I hate the nighttime.
LO is almost 6 days old (ill consider him 6 days when its 8 pm :P)
and we're still struggling on the left side. gonna look into getting a nipple shield or something later today cause he just cant get that nipple far back enough. he sleeps in 2-3 hours stretches at night. and idk how much he is eating. feels like a lot though.
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
Although LO's weight gain is good and my nipples rarely hurt anymore even with prolonged use, I'm still concerned about breastfeeding. Mainly I'm worried that the efficiency of his eating is poor. It seems to take him far longer than it should to get a full meal. Time is running out for him to become more efficient--I'm supposed to go back to work next month, pending recovery of my ability to walk. Lately I haven't had any time to pump so I have zero stash. I never get an uninterrupted block of time when I'm not utterly exhausted and need to sleep, so pumping has fallen by the wayside. (Yes, LO is eating as I write this.)
The pediatrician never got back to me with the LC referral he promised, so I made an appointment with an LC in a neighboring town for tomorrow. Actually it was really hard to wait all week last week and all weekend after deciding I needed help. I called first thing this morning and got the earliest appointment I could. I need to sleep again...even being able to take some naps during the day would be awesome! I really hope she can help us.
Then after I got that done my baby can't poop and is miserable. Should be a long night!
Also, the scabs on my nipples have finally gone away. I finally have healed nipples. That's pretty fine.
Edit: struggling with words today
@btm013 yeah neither had I. My suspicions were totally up - I mean, social services? The nurse at the hospital had to reassure me they weren't coming to make sure I wasn't a bad parent or whatever. And then I found brochures about the visit in the hospital, so yeah, its just something they do. It was pretty cool, actually. She was nice and seemed genuinely interested in LO and I and that we were doing well.