July 2015 Moms

Monday randoms...

leannef88leannef88 member
edited July 2015 in July 2015 Moms
Hi Ladies, 38+3 today, bad night sleep last night waking every hour for the loo and was still awake and up at 6.30am! Have a crazy hunger as well these last few days, nothing I eat is filling me up! Anyone else? Partner is away for the week again so home alone. Wondering if anything will happen this week. Hmmm xxx

Re: Monday randoms...

  • Bugs1718Bugs1718 member
    edited July 2015
    Up at 430am, ugh. I just try to remind myself it's mother nature's way of prepping me for lack of sleep. Our DD's birthday is today, so excited, can't believe she's 3! Crazy to think I was in labor 3 years ago and now I'm 38w5d pregnant with her sister. I'm getting induced on Friday and hoping little one doesn't make a surprise entrance today as I'd like my girls to have their own day. I guess we'll see.
  • Its too hot hear 100f . Getting hot flashes all night ans some irregular contractions. Is this the sign of labour or just a heat that derive crazy.
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  • Heading to my final appointment before my c section later in the week. Excited and nervous all at the same time! I have my massive list of questions ready!
  • I seriously enjoyed my chocolate covered ice cream that I had for dessert. I won't lie... It was awesome ! In exciting news I got the letter from my hospital detailing my c-section date. Kinda excited !!!

    In other news though I've been having some intense Braxton hicks this afternoon and am loosing my mucus plug in small chunks.
    [color=purple]Married July 2014[/color]
    [color=pink]First Monkey July 2015[/color]
    [color=green]Baby No2 March 2018
    ~Team Green~[/color]

  • MCH77MCH77 member
    Bugs1718 said:

    Up at 430am, ugh. I just try to remind myself it's mother nature's way of prepping me for lack of sleep. Our DD's birthday is today, so excited, can't believe she's 3! Crazy to think I was in labor 3 years ago and now I'm 38w5d pregnant with her sister. I'm getting induced on Friday and hoping little one doesn't make a surprise entrance today as I'd like my girls to have their own day. I guess we'll see.

    My DS turned 4 on July 5 and my c/s is scheduled for July 23. All day on the 5th I kept thinking, please don't be today, please.


    Hope you have a great day!!

    BFP #1 March 24, 2010; missed m/c May 26, 2010 @ 12w 4d; D&E May 28, 2010

    BFP #2 Oct 20, 2010; My little boy was born on July 5, 2011

    BFP #3 April 30, 2013; Chemical Pg May 5, 2013

    BFP #4 Aug 22, 2013; It's a boy.  Loss discovered at 24 weeks on Jan 15, 2014 (cause CMV virus)    

                                  <3 We love and miss you Timothy <3

    BFP #5 April 6, 2014; missed m/c May 15, 2014 @ 9 weeks; Misoprostol May 15, 2014; D&C May June 3, 2014

  • I started the same vicious cycle today. Slept like crap bc of hourly potty breaks. I have to turn the light on now when I go because... What if I wiped and there was something there :D ? Wake up in the morning to NOT being in labor. Drop a huge piece of plug in the pot and spend the whole day NOT being in labor.

    My first came 10 days before EDD. If this little boy was the same he would be 3 days old by now!!!!

    Gonna spend the day running errands. Hoping it puts me in labor.
  • My best friend text me this morning that my official due date is in 2 weeks.... It's sort of sinking in that I will be a mom in about 14 days, craziness!!!
    I am going this week for one last growth scan to see if this LO has gotten  "too big." In the meantime I'm just working and drink my red raspberry tea hoping my body prepares more.
  • The nesting urge finally found me (I was beginning to accept that this kid was just going to have to be born into a giant, disorganized, fur coated mess)!! Spent like 2 hours cleaning and organizing yesterday & then woke up today with horrible sciatic pain. But because I'm on a roll and this urge may not find its way back to me, I'm pushing through and doing some more this morning while my toddler watches some veggie tales. Planning on running a few errands later this morning and then taking my big boy (21 months) outside to play in the kiddie pool after nap time. Mommy is too tired to be fully engaged today I-)
  • Today is the day before my induction! Hubby and I are spending our last day together as a family of two..getting the house ready, playing with the dogs, relaxing, and a yummy dinner out planned for after my appointment where I'll be given cervidil! I'm so nervous and so excited!!
  • Didn't sleep well... Probably fell asleep around 3 am, out of bed to pee 3 x, and up at 7:30. WHY? I was so tired and uncomfortable from: taking down the crib in the nursery and bringing it into our master bedroom, doing and folding all the laundry, shopping at costco and washing ALL the fruit we bought when we got home.

    PLUS, I work the next 4 days... Ugh! Maybe I'll finally decide at my 38 week appt tomorrow that I'm finally gonna go out.

    Hope you mommas playing the waiting game have some action today... Except for you @MCH77! @babydoll1008 - hopefully yours start after the pedicure with your mom!

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • Hello bumpies. I'm feeling tired... had an afternoon nap today! I'm also really hungry for carbs. I'm wanting bread, cheese biscuits and also wanting loads of chocolate...
    been sewing today - adapted some of my maternity clothes for breast feeding and made a couple of bibs.
    I'm 37+6 today.
    hope you are all doing well.
  • beeishbeeish member

    Update: baby is coming today!!!!!

    Whoo Hoooo!! Good Luck! :D

    I've had a horrible cough that I've been taking antibiotic for. Im so terrified to have my csection done with this cough. Hopefully I recover before my scheduled date.
  • Just had a doc appointment
    I'm 39 weeks almost 2 cm and I was offered to have my water broken Wednesday to induce labor , but I declined! It's soooo tempting though! But been having braxton hicks contractions off and on today and one out of nowhere was really painful! It surprised me! So here's hoping I do it on my own soon!
  • Slept 4 hours and woke up at 630 am ready to take on the world! Hmm... I think some nesting has kicked in?? I went to the grocery store at 8, bought a bunch of stuff to make sub sandwiches because I've been craving them with this heat. Came home and cleaned the fridge and cabinets out and organized EVERYTHING! I have done all my laundry and so far cleaned half of my house. It's only 2pm, I feel so accomplished considering I've been doing nothing for the last few weeks. My parents will be here tomorrow and I will officially be a mommy on Wednesday!! :x
  • I had all intentions of going to the grocery store this afternoon when DH got home from work. Well he's home and I'm still on the couch. Guess I'll go tomorrow instead. Maybe I can convince him to help me put the car seat and base in the car so the days not a total waste.
  • I was awakened every 10-15 min with back labor pains. Up at 6ish to hear DH bitch and complain (insert silent treatment), laughed to myself when I realized he left his wallet in my car. Cried a bit feeling powerless after dropping DS off at daycare. Turned up with retail therapy at Target. No awaiting my DD to decide where we'll dine for lunch (I have to break it to her that I don't feel comfortable with her in the room when I deliver).
    Happy freaking monday!
  • Just came from my appointment and I'm sad :( I'll be 40 weeks on Thursday and my doc checked me today and I am completely closed . she said I'll most likely have to be induced ... We set up the date for next Friday 6:30am but hopefully my baby will surprise me and show up before that. I don't want to wait till 41 weeks :(

    @babydoll1008 congratulations!!!! I'm jealous !!! Lol
  • Thoughts and prayers @Numajawara. Next Friday is plenty of time for baby and your body to cooperate.
  • @smccall3838 thank you so much and that's true I hope my body cooperates so I don't have to be induced. My first son came on his own so I'm a lil upset, hopefully she'll surprise me!!
  • I had a c section so the 6 week rule is not totally strict for me. Well DH and I broke it on day 10! I could take it! I just feel so close to him and everything about him turns me on. I'm kind of worried now, what if I got pregnant?! Is that even possible? Oh man! I mean whatever happens happens but having two kids 9 months apart would be uh...hectic?
  • Just left the doctor's office and her exact words were: "Wow that baby's low, you poor girl. Some sex, spicy food or walking will have it out in no time" lol
  • I had a c section so the 6 week rule is not totally strict for me. Well DH and I broke it on day 10! I could take it! I just feel so close to him and everything about him turns me on. I'm kind of worried now, what if I got pregnant?! Is that even possible? Oh man! I mean whatever happens happens but having two kids 9 months apart would be uh...hectic?

    I'm jealous! One week down, 5 to go. That's like a year to me. Lol
  • I was so lazy all morning and then when I realized DH's birthday is tomorrow I kicked into gear! He works late tomorrow so I figured we would do a nice dinner tonight. Presents wrapped, Apple bourbon pork is smelling awesome in the slow cooker, homemade ice cream cake is solidifying in the freezer and deviled eggs (his favorite, I can't stand them) are in the fridge! Where did that energy come from!
  • mers90mers90 member
    WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO COME OUT MRS BABY?!?! OMG! I'm not tiered of being pregnant, I'm tiered of waiting!!!!!!!!!!! :'(:'(:'( I'm seriously sitting at my son's guitar lessons about to cry because I can't believe I'm 39+4 and still pregnant with not one tiny sign that I'll go into labour anytime soon.
  • @babydoll1008 Ahhh, finally.. GOOD LUCK and keep us updated!!!

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

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