May 2015 Moms

2 month shots

my LO got his shots Friday around 5:00. He was a little fussier than normal the rest of the night & Saturday but nothing too bad but today/tonight has been awful. My question is how long did the shots affect your LOs? Wondering if this is shot related or something else.

Re: 2 month shots

  • It was around 15 hours, he took the shots at 1pm started to feel warm at 3ish and it continued through the night. Woke up the next morning fine but with somewhat elevated temperature.
  • My daughter was the same way, The evening after was a little tough but the next day she was a wreck and I was in tears trying to figure out what to do. The next night and day seemed better but those first 24 hrs after were awful
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  • My LO just had her shots last Thursday. It took 3 full days for her to be back to herself. She wouldn't nurse very well, wouldn't latch on, wasn't hungry, was very miserable if you moved her, etc. But she is back to her happy self now
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