May 2015 Moms

Is it normal?

DS will go 6-8 hours sleeping at night but is only eating 5-6 times a day. He is on both breast and bottle and he gets 5 oz when it's from the bottle. Is he eating enough? He seems satisfied but I'm still worried cause I'm a FTM. Also he has been wetting enough diapers.

Re: Is it normal?

  • My boy is sometimes doing the same. I've repeatedly seen the standard of "wet/poopy diapers" and weight gain as indicators that baby is thriving just fine. I'm a FTM also and it's hard not to analyze... Last night baby went 7.5 hours of sleep before eating. I thought for sure something was wrong. Lol! You are just fine!
  • Not sure how old your LO is, but I've heard that from 2-4 months babies will often only feed 6 times per day. Then after that they may drop another feed.

    I try not to pay attention to number of feeds. As long as DS is gaining weight and has wet diapers I am not concerned.
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  • Babies typically need around 25 oz per day at this age and it sounds like your LO is probably getting that. No worries!

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