Baby Names

Thoughts on our baby name

we are naming our daughter Ainsley Shae. We are spelling it like that because my middle name is Nashae and that's where we are getting Shae from. What do y'all think of the name? And feel free to be brutally honest lol

Re: Thoughts on our baby name

  • megewymegewy member
    I love it After talking through names tonight with SO we think our baby girl might be an Ainsley as well! So maybe I'm just bias?
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  • nurse714nurse714 member
    edited July 2015
    Sorry, I can not stand Ainsley. The sound is very nasal. It just doesn't look or sound pretty to me at all. Naf of Shae either, but in the middle spot and with the family meaning, I think it's fine. 
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  • It's not my style, but it's not bad.

    I personally find the reasoning for Shae a little hokey but thats a personal feeling on spelling and using parents names for kids (i.e, I don't side eye using grandmas name or middle name for a child but it using a parents name or middle name is odd, especially if there isn't family history) and the name thing, well. My name is spelled wrong for how it's pronounced, so I find it obnoxious to change the spellings of names for superfluous reasons.
  • Not really my style but I wouldn't scrunch my nose at it.
  • I immediately associate Shae with Game of Thrones, but in a few years not a lot of people will make that association anymore, especially since she's not a main character.


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  • Are you and/or your hubby of Irish descent? I think this would be a hard name to pull off if not.
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  • CGlessCGless member
    I love Ainsley. It was in our list as well. Shae is odd but she'll have a normal first name so mn can be just meaningful in my books.
  • NMS, sorry. I think this name is becoming trendy and overused, and if you aren't Irish, it sounds especially silly.
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  • Not my favorite, but it's not awful.
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  • taypereztayperez member
    edited July 2015
    Ainsley is actually a Scottish name and he is from Scotland. That's why we picked the name. Just wanted to clarify that to everyone saying it's an Irish name.
  • Not my style, but I have heard worse. And I think you are really stretching with the Nashae/ Shae thing.
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  • LNic5LNic5 member
    Ainsley has been growing me a bit, still a little trendy for my personal taste but not the worst name I've seen
  • Ainsley=anal ease
  • nurse714 said:

    Sorry, I can not stand Ainsley. The sound is very nasal. It just doesn't look or sound pretty to me at all. Naf of Shae either, but in the middle spot and with the family meaning, I think it's fine. 

    Same reason as her

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  • My first thought was anal and ass. Seriously. Not cute.
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