July 2015 Moms

Wake baby up?

Probably a crazy question but I am a FTM. Should we try to keep DS awake during the day more so he sleeps better at night? Or does that not matter when he's only 5 days old?

Re: Wake baby up?

  • Our pediatrician recommends on demand eating/sleeping for the first two weeks. After that, start trying to get on a schedule/routine.
  • I agree with PP, it's hard to get them on a schedule but the earlier the better. The first couple of weeks though is pretty much on demand eating and the rest of the time they pretty much sleep...a lot! Lol
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  • We were very baby led everything with DS. We hope to do the same with this LO once she arrives. Eventually they will figure it out. In the beginning though it's vital to their survival and ability to thrive for mommy and daddy to be in tune to their every need. A lot of pooping and eating. Sleep when they sleep! As a STM I wish i slept more when our DS was born because now it's not going to happen as we have a toddler to chase around
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  • You're going to get a wide variety of opinions on this topic, as I think schedule vs. not scheduled is a bit of a hot button topic for some. I think most would agree though at this point in baby's life, everything is on demand.

    We tried to do a modified Baby Wise deal with our first (the author suggests starting a schedule at 2 weeks old, which is pretty intense imo). We tried that and it failed miserably. In fact, our son never napped longer than 30 mins until he was 10 months old. And even though he started sleeping 12 hour stretches pretty early on (prob from exhaustion with the lack of napping) it was really hard during the day for both of us. I cried a lot. Also probably from exhaustion.

    After going through it, I really think whatever you do really just depends on what works for you and your family. Don't get too stuck on one thing because what worked perfectly for someone else's baby may not work at all for you.

    I don't even remember the question now.... lol
  • I just made sure to wake baby at least every 3 hours to nurse during the day in those first few days to get my supply going. Once established at about a week I let him go longer at night, ie did not wake him to feed at night but continued to make sure he fed every 3 hours (at least, sometimes it was every hour) during the day. So yes, I did wake mine because I wanted the longer sleep to be at night.
  • Personally, I'm going for the "don't wake a sleeping baby" / follow their routine kinda thing. But you'll just find what works best for you. Everyone knows someone who has a baby that sleeps through and used xyz method. We're all different, as are babies. Just do what you feel is best.
  • We are schedule people but that's also because we both work and DD has been in daycare since 12 weeks so the structure works for us. However, we didn't even try a schedule with her until she was a couple of months and still had no trouble getting her on one before I went back to work. Especially in the beginning, I think babies need what they need and we should let them lead. The only time I woke DD was for feedings. I'm sure everyone has their own opinion on this too but with our first, we followed the "sleep begets sleep" idea and wouldn't keep her up during the day so she would "sleep better at night". We found that if she slept well during the day, she was more likely to sleep well at night. I know it's counter-intuitive but it absolutely worked. I was quite skeptical amd was surprised when it worked so well but i guess there was a reason so many moms recommended to to me. Our DD started sleeping through the night at 3 months and has been the best sleeper. She was sleep-trained at 9 months and now even at 3, she does great. Planning to do the same things with our new little one.
  • mnj05mnj05 member
    At this point, baby needs so much sleep it's better to leave them alone. We started getting DS1 on a schedule around 8-10 weeks when he became more aware during the day.


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  • I just made sure to wake baby at least every 3 hours to nurse during the day in those first few days to get my supply going. Once established at about a week I let him go longer at night, ie did not wake him to feed at night but continued to make sure he fed every 3 hours (at least, sometimes it was every hour) during the day. So yes, I did wake mine because I wanted the longer sleep to be at night.

    Same here. :)
  • Never wake a sleeping baby. I've lived by that. And when baby sleeps, so should you! It's not always ideal, but try to when you can! Letting baby be on their own schedule makes them laid back and flexible as they get older in my experience.
  • Schedule is different than structure, just try to remember that :) kids/babies need structure to feel safe, but that doesn't mean they need a schedule. They just need consistency from mom and dad/daycare.kids who know what to expect are much better behaved
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