May 2015 Moms

Strangers wanting to touch my baby

We went out to a festival with my 8 weeks old daughter. She was in her stroller looking around and a lady passed and said "she's so cute", I smiled and said thank you, and then she starts leaning towards my baby to grab her hand. I'm sorry lady, I don't know you! Don't assume that because you called my baby cute, you can touch her. How do you politely ask strangers not to touch your baby?

Re: Strangers wanting to touch my baby

  • I had this in the bank- some lady in the queue asked how old DD was (she was about 4 weeks at the time) then actually grabbed the buggy and tried to turn it around so she could look inside. I just pulled the buggy away from her and said quite harshly "can you please not disturb my baby as she's sleeping and I don't like strangers staring at her". I got some evil looks off people, but TBH I don't care at all - who knows who these people are, what bugs they have etc. I don't go around trying to grab strangers in the street and nor should they!
  • @gtellier I've told people "sorry, I'm being a bit militant but no one can touch him before he has his shots." And I pull away the stroller like PP.  I have to come up with another line for after the 2-month shots... 
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  • I can't go anywhere without people commenting on DD... I had one woman literally get out of her line at Costco and come over and say I just had to come see her she is so beautiful! DD has a ridiculous amount of hair so people are always coming up and going omg the hair, I've never seen a baby with so much hair! and then running their hand through it ... It creeps me out but I'm not bold enough to say anything, sometimes I back up when I see them coming to close... I will never understand people who touch a strangers baby.
  • @marijaa333 that's a great excuse! I can milk that 'till even after her shots, how will they know how old my baby is haha! @jgillis13 my daughter was also born with a full head of hair, and I get that one too! It frustrates me how strangers feel so entitled. I have to learn to be stronger for my babies sake! Thanks for the response ladies!
  • @jgillis13 I get the same comments about the hair but luckily no o e has had the nerve to run their hands through DSs hair. I feel like I would want to then run my fingers through their hair and see what they do and then point out that babies are little people and randomly touching a stranger is awkward, rude, and unwanted. Please someone do this and then tell me how it goes lol!!
  • TheEATheEA member
    I had the same issues with my now 2-year-old son. He has super bright red hair and creamy skin. Every time we are in public people have to stop us to comment and ask questions about it. My husband and I both have brown hair so people always ask where he gets his hair from. Then of course they try to touch his hair and his cheeks. It drives me crazy!! I'm always telling little old ladies to back off.
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