May 2015 Moms

Pumping at work

so I go back to work on the 27th & I'm kind of stressing out about pumping at work. I won't have a separate lockable room I will just have the break room everyone uses. It does lock & I work with all girls but I still want to be some what discrete. Any suggestions?

Re: Pumping at work

  • uwemiuwemi member
    Depends on your rship with d girls they can excuse u for a few mins while you setup and u can use a cover while pumping. Personally I just use the comer of the room and turn my back to setup and to dress up when I am done. Hope this makes sense. All d best
  • I think your work legally has to provide you with a private space to pump and it can not be a bathroom. Talk to HR about it. 
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  • MrsS728 said:

    I think your work legally has to provide you with a private space to pump and it can not be a bathroom. Talk to HR about it. 

    Yes they do but I know that's not realistic where I work unless they add on. I work in a very small salon and all the rooms are in use. I just have to make due with what I have.

    @uwemi, some girls I'm close with some I'm not at all. It just depends on who I'm working with I suppose. I can alway lock the break room door if I'm working with the girls I don't like/ I don't think will respect that I'm pumping and they will be SOL for 30mins twice a day if they need anything out of their bags.
  • I would hope that the other girls would be civil about it. Just warn them before you lock it so they can get what they need. Surely one of them has been or will be in your spot at some point.
  • Just throwing it out there... If you work at a salon could you use one of those covers that you use on clients? Or a breastfeeding cover/poncho shawl kind of thing so you aren't as exposed?
  • You could put a sign on the door saying don't desturb pumping for baby. You can hang it on the door nob when you are using the room. A lady at my work did this. We all understood her needs.
  • Thanks ladies those are all good ideas!
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