June 2015 Moms

nighttime feedings

For those that are exclusively breastfeeding, I need some advice.  My LO, who is 2 weeks old, is usually waking every 2-2.5 hours at night.  I feed him every time he wakes considering he is only 2 weeks old.  Sometimes though, he's waking after close to an hour-hour and a half.  I feed him then too bc in my mind, he'll be up in another hour to eat anyway so why not just feed him and/or maybe he's waking bc he's hungry.  What do you ladies do? Do you try to soothe or have DH soothe them back to sleep or do you feed everytime.  When my DD was 4 months I remember her ped saying she didn't need to eat anymore throughout the night so I cut it and just soothed her and she learned quickly.  TIA

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Re: nighttime feedings

  • Kiki119Kiki119 member
    edited July 2015
    When my baby was 2nd week, I felt like I am constantly feeding her.... I say she average 2.5-3 hours in between feeding... Now she is 6 weeks I feed in demand.

    How long is ur LO latched on for? I would make sure that your LO is awake and feeding when he/she is on the B.... My LO always fall asleep on the B and not feeding

    This constant feeding will pass once ur baby figure out day/night time.... I got a great advice from a friend and she says make sure baby is fed on demand during the day and baby is taking in enough, more they eat during the day less they will be hungry during night time
  • I feed all the time like you do at night and mine is 2 weeks old as well. It's hit or miss, sometimes she's on the 3 hour schedule and some nights its 1.5 hours in and another feeding time.
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  • I feed on demand too. She usually goes for a 2-3 hour stretch, but between 1-4 she likes to do the snacking thing. We're both so tired, we just co-sleep and do the side lie position. I'm hoping to have enough stamina to break that soon. We will be putting her in her room in about three weeks, so I'll be nursing in there. Hoping that will help us too.
  • At 2 weeks I would keep feeding, I think it's too early to have them self soothe. I burp and do a diaper change between sides so she's awake to eat and that seems to keep her asleep longer than if I let her fall asleep on the first boob.
  • Ever since my DS gained back his birth weight (a little before 2 weeks old) my pediatrician said its okay to let him sleep through the night! So I just try to feed him a full feeding at 7pm then I'll wake him at 10pm to do a full feeding again.. I have to work at keeping him awake: burping, changing his diaper, tickling his feet, etc but once he's had a full feed he'll sleep anywhere between 3-7 hours depending on the day (he's 4 weeks now).
  • I would love to let LO sleep for a longer interval overnight but I get so uncomfortable and wake up in a puddle. LO is 4 weeks, does your body adjust to the longer interval? She feeds every 1 to 3 hours during the day.
  • I would love to let LO sleep for a longer interval overnight but I get so uncomfortable and wake up in a puddle. LO is 4 weeks, does your body adjust to the longer interval? She feeds every 1 to 3 hours during the day.

    When I wake up before LO and feel like that, I pump one side for 5 min to get comfortable again (and build my freezer stash) and then just feed from the other side when she does get up. It seems to be working. She eats every 1.5-2.5 hours during the day but will usually go a 5 hour stretch followed by a 3 hour stretch at night. I'll usually pump before or after both nighttime feeds from whichever Boob she doesn't take.
  • hbornzin said:

    Ever since my DS gained back his birth weight (a little before 2 weeks old) my pediatrician said its okay to let him sleep through the night! So I just try to feed him a full feeding at 7pm then I'll wake him at 10pm to do a full feeding again.. I have to work at keeping him awake: burping, changing his diaper, tickling his feet, etc but once he's had a full feed he'll sleep anywhere between 3-7 hours depending on the day (he's 4 weeks now).

    Mine is the exact same way and I would get worried about how much he sleeps at night. Doctor told me to enjoy it but m glad to hear of others like mine : ) especially since everyone is always so shocked when I tell them about his sleeping.
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