Formula Feeding

Similac vs Enfamil

Hello ladies,

I am a FTM and plan to exclusively FF. A lot of my friends are moms already and they all have different opinions on which they like best. Which do you prefer? Similac or Enfamil?  I'm trying to decide which to try first since you aren't supposed to just switch if one isn't working. Thanks!

Re: Similac vs Enfamil

  • Every baby is different.. You may have to try different ones. We use an off brand of the similac sensitive now but tried enfamil newborn and enfamil gentlease prior.
  • I started out using the same brand as the hospital and went from there. Mine used Similac Advance and then we switched to Fussiness and Gas. Plus I got samples from Similac in the mail right before my daughter was born. Either way, whichever formula you use, you can always go to their website and sign up. They send you free coupons and/or samples.  
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  • I didn't like the way Similac foamed up when you mix it. We used Enfamil and then the store brand version of Enfamil. Also, switching did not affect my DD at all.


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  • redfallon said:
    I didn't like the way Similac foamed up when you mix it. We used Enfamil and then the store brand version of Enfamil. Also, switching did not affect my DD at all.
    Same here.  Didn't like the foam with the Similac.  Plus, the Enfamil seemed to agree with DD better.
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