Formula Feeding

Transition from BF to formula?

Anyone one transition from breastmilk to formula? I'm considering switching I've got a 2 year old with a broken leg a 3 week old and now I've got mastitis.. It's all just a little much I feel like formula would be easier.

I think my biggest concern is how my baby will respond. She's a very content baby never spits up etc. I'm worried she'll have a harder time digesting the formula and will be fussier.

How did your Lo respond to the change?

Re: Transition from BF to formula?

  • I had the same problem got mastitis 3 times and it made me so sick so dr said call it quits. My daughter did just fine we did have to adjust formulas a few times because she would get constipated. Our family dr was alot of help with adjusting and finding the correct formula. My daughter actually did better on formula than bm she had lots of stomach issues on my bm I couldn't hardly eat anything. Do what is best for you. After I got so sick formula was a miracle for me took away a lot of stress. Good luck mastitis is no fun enjoy that sweet baby a fed baby is a happy baby!
  • uta10uta10 member
    I had to make the switch just a few days ago and so far she is doing great. I pumped and mixed with formula, 50/50 at first and then less gradually. I think that helped her mixing the breast milk in.
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  • My daughter also had an easy transition. We started supplementing around 2-3 weeks? She would also get half breast milk, half formula bottles in the beginning. I had a happy spitter whether it was breast milk or formula. 
  • I had to supplement with formula because I just don't produce enough. My baby girl took the formula right away, but every baby is different. I use Gerber Soothe. I like that the formula has vitamin D which you are supposed to make sure your infant is getting. Gerber is one of the only formulas where the milk proteins are 100% broken down making it gentler on baby's tummy. You could go online to various formula manufacturers and see if they will send you free samples to try so you can see what your baby will like.
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