May 2015 Moms

Family/In-Law Praises

I will be the first to admit that my MIL is driving me insane!!! I have posted a few comments in the In-Law Vent posts. Yesterday while at her place for her birthday I realized that I was rolling my eyes at several things she did/said. And that is not like me. It made me very disappointed in myself. She is a very caring woman and although she has a lot of faults, I haven't been recognizing her good qualities lately.

So does anyone have any happy stories to share? Things people have done to impress or surprise you? Maybe it will help us put a positive spin on some of those people who have been driving us crazy!

Re: Family/In-Law Praises

  • MIL has been a smoker since long before I met her. A few weeks before DS was born she quit. She only told FIL but he filled me and DH in. She quit cold turkey because she didn't want to expose DS to second hand smoke and because she wants to be around for his childhood (MIL and FIL are both older).

    My brother and SIL can't have kids yet due to some diagnoses SIL is dealing with and trialling experimental medications. My pregnancy was very hard on them. Since DS was born, they have both come over several times to take care of him while we slept, made us meals, took care of cutting our grass and doing lawn care. Basically they've been amazing. I've never had a good relationship with them, and now that DH and I are planning our first date night away from DS, we've actually asked brother and SIL to be the babysitters because we trust them the most right now. I never thought I'd see the day...
  • My DH's stepmother is a very in your face type of person. It took her and I years to come to a good place and Im so thankful that we are there. She has been an amazing grandma to our 5yr old, helped me do housework when i was pregnant, and has also made the choice to quit smoking. She quit the day before Jax was born. Because she quit we are going to let her help us with childcare in the fall. She wants the kids to never remember her ever smoking.
    Now if DH's actual mom would just make an effort....
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  • Kye042Kye042 member
    I have such an amazing husband and family. My husband jumped in right away and changed every single diaper in the hospital and took care of me and our LO due to my difficult recovery. And he took 2 weeks off of work to make sure LO and I were okay before he went back.

    My mom and MIL are amazing. My LO is 6 weeks and I'm suffering from post partum but it is getting much better and one of them comes to our home everyday to help so my anxiety doesn't go through the roof. My mom has also stayed over a few times to take care of the baby over night so me and DH can get some sleep.

    I'm so greatful for my husband and family. I could go on and on praising them.
  • We weren't previously close with DH'S family just holidays and he would occasionally talk on the phone to his mom. Since the baby his mom comes over at least once a week and has been our number one babysitter. She is even taking a week off work in January to babysit so DH and I can go to jamacia for my sister's wedding.
  • My husband has been amazing to me and the baby. I had a c-section so my recovery was a bit long and painful. He luckily got 10 days of paternity leave so he was at home full time to help me out. Both our moms were there too so I was really blessed to have them around. My mom would make us meals and watch the baby overnight so that we could get some rest. My MIL would help watching the baby during the day while I took a shower and had breakfast/lunch.

    Now that I'm recovered, my husband has been taking care of the baby on Saturday nights. He said to me a while ago that he wanted to give me a "night off" a week since I watch our son every night. He is exclusively breastfed but I pump every day so I make sure to leave DH with enough bottles and I literally close my eyes around 10pm every Saturday and don't wake up until the next morning. My husband feeds the baby, changes his diaper and burps him throughout the night so I can get caught up on sleep. I could just go on and on about how much my husband has helped me with our son and how wonderful of a father he is ;)
  • I complain about my MIL way too much. She doesn't deserve it. She has been at our house almost every day since DD was born, she brings food over and cooks us an occasional meal. If she's not holding the baby she's cleaning something. I get annoyed because she has a different way of doing things but she's definitely doing more than my lazy ass is.

    Last week I went back on birth control and it dried up my milk almost instantly, but at the time I didn't know that was the cause. So I was freaking out wondering what was wrong with me while trying to comfort my screaming infant and mixing formula. At the same time I realized I left one of my cats outside too long so I opened the sliding glass door to let her in and when I closed it I accidentally slammed it on my other cat right on his rib cage. I tried to open it again but it got stuck. After a few minutes of struggling to open it and my cat thrashing around trying to get free he ran off. I called MIL so she could hold LO while I checked on the cat. When she came over she calmed down DD and fed her, AND fixed the track on the door (I couldn't get it closed again) so it wouldn't jam again. (Fun fact: use furniture polish!) The cat was miraculously just fine. I was a total wreck though and I couldn't have handled it without her.

    DD is able to thank her in ways I can't though. She is just now learning to smile, and she only does it for 3 people, me, her daddy, and her grandma!
  • I had a c section so it was very hard for me to move let alone get out of bed for a long time in the hospital and my husband changed every diaper plus laid him down in his bed for me every time he fell asleep. He wants to be involved just as much as I am and I love that about him! He also took care of me during my c section recovery.. Helped me out of bed, to walk, to sit down, to change my clothes, and helped give me showers and even offered to help me sit to use the restroom.. He's an amazing man! He even kept track of the time to give me my medicines I needed lol
  • My MIL is the bomb! Love her & appreciate everything she does for us. She just swung by our house to take my 2 & 4 yr old mini golfing (which they love.) We lived hrs from family for 8 yrs & returned to DH's hometown last summer. It's so nice to have them close by. Yes, we can disagree & we can get on each other's nerves. That happens, we take a break & move on. But, in the end I hope I'm the kind of Grandma she is someday.
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