June 2015 Moms

Reflux issue ?

My son is 5 weeks old. On alimentum and jus started taking Zantac. Minor reflux issue. Arches his back and cries during a feedin especially the middle of night one he never would go back to sleep til like a hour later . Did this medicine work for anyone else? It's been a rough few weeks!

Re: Reflux issue ?

  • I think my LO has reflux too, but I'll have to tell the pediatrician her symptoms because I'm not 100% sure. My cousin's babies (all three) had reflux and I know they took Zantac for it and it resolved it. Hopefully it works for your LO as well too!
  • ksimo6ksimo6 member
    We suspected LO had reflux too because he screamed after every feeding and was having really wet burps/ hiccups all the time. My niece had the same issues. My sister suggested switching to enfamil ar for a couple of days to see if it helped him and he is like a brand new baby. No more screaming and he's happy. May be something to look into.
    • Married 6/1/2012
    • BFP #1 - 11/17/2012 -  MC 12/10/2012
    • BFP #2 - 2/12/2013 - EDD 10/17/2013 - DD Born 10/10/2013
    • BFP #3 - 1/29/2014 - Ectopic pregnancy discovered 1/31/2014
    • BFP #4 - 9/28/2014 - EDD 6/4/2015 - DS Born 5/31/2015

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  • kkdb14kkdb14 member
    edited July 2015
    Zantac has been a life saver. All the fussing during eating has stopped outside of gas. The only thing is it doesn't stop the fussing until the esophagus heals which took about two days for LO. I think it might be making her constipated though. She strains to poop recently. It's been almost two weeks since beginning.
  • My first had a severe firm of acid reflux to the point he would act like he was having a seizure when eating. We used Zantac and it helped a lot
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